
Modern Torture Methods?

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I'm planning on joining the marines in a few years and need to know what could happen if I ever get captured.




  1. If you are in combat, it will be most likely against militias and the like who will have a lack of technology, and torture skill. They will try to put you through a whole lot of pain simply through crude methods - burning you with blowtorches, cutting parts of you off with knives. If they have electricity, people have been put into bathtubs and electrocuted as a means of torture (this happened to somone captured in Peru a few years ago).

    However, the chances of you getting captured (and tortured, they would probably trade you back for something in return) are very minimal.

  2. Marines never surrender. And they never stop fighting until they are dead. This you will learn if you do decide to join.

    If you're not ready to accept that, consider a different branch of service.

  3. beaten



    head chopped off

    put somewhere to starve

    someone can hang you

    drown you

  4. Liberals deny that it could happen to you, but viciously complain about leading someone around on a leash, like many paid to have done every day of the week; or, making a stand there like a clown with fake wires. Liberals are offended by fraternity style pranks and they call it "torture."

    Liberals also don't care about the people who have gotten their heads cut off or contractors hung from bridges by radicals of the "religion of peace," and they love the "religion of peace" more than they love America. These are mostly people voting for Barack Hussein Obama.

    In any event, there are real Americans here and we appreciate your service.

  5. They could send my Mother in Law over there to NAG you and NAG you and NAG NAG NAG NAG NAG NAG NAG NAG NAG AND NAG

  6. They will tell you once you are in.You get classes in many subjects in boot camp.

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