Gamers who book their copies in advance at US retailer, GameStop, will not only get all access to all future pre-order bonuses but will also unlock a reward for Modern Warfare 3.
Pre-orders are a way for publishers to secure a certain number of sales before the game’s release and for retailers to make some revenue at the same time. For gamers it is a perfect way to ensure that they are not left empty handed when the game they have
been dreaming about for weeks finally hits stores.
The pre-order business has grown exponentially over the past few years and retailers, egged on by publishers, have been finding new ways of making people part with their money for a product that they will not have for another six months or so.
This time around one of the United States’ largest video game retailing chains, GameStop, is planning on releasing pre-order content for Activision’s upcoming first-person shooter, Black Ops 2, in waves.
Gamers who book their copy of the game now will not only get what is on offer in the first wave but also everything in the ensuing waves as well, or as GameStop so eloquently put it, “customers that get in early and pre-order during the first wave will automatically
receive bonuses revealed in waves two, three and four.”
At this point many gamers will already be throwing their money at the screen but it would be wise to at least see what is on offer in wave one. The answer is sure to be slightly disappointing for gamers as anyone who pre-orders their copy of the game now
will receive a “limited edition two-sided poster”.
AS for the digital content side, any gamer who books his copy of Black Ops 2 will also get an “instantly redeemable Prestige Token for Modern Warfare 3”. However, in order to qualify for the latter gamers will have to by PowerUp Rewards members and have
to place their order before the 30th of June.
With wave 1 barely impressing anyone it will be interesting to see what the remaining three waves have to offer. However, with that being said, one can expect plenty of copies of Black Ops 2 to be booked in advance.