
Modern men prefer hairy body or hairless body?

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Modern men prefer hairy body or hairless body?




  1. Im a girl, and I like guys who dont have hair on their armpits. a little on the leg is okay. and no to the european thing i would know lol.

  2. hairless body.cause they don't want to wait in a long que in the barbers shop while they can spend that same time with friends and family

  3. hairless body

  4. NOt too much hair,but a man needs some hair and I'm sure that most of girls here like men with hair,I  hate guys with no hair,they look a bit like g**s,I was honest!Good luck

  5. hairless

  6. Hairy. When most women are succumbing to pressures to shave, hairy women are a rare treat who show the confidence and bearing to be their natural and hairy selves.

  7. Of course hairless body. That is one modern man you just interviewed... now for the 1 billion more to ask ... to make it statistically accuate.   Perhaps European like hairy body.....

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