
Modifications for special needs students in highschool...?

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If you are a higschool teacher and have special needs students, what are some of the problems they have and what modifications you do to help them. Thank you, I need anwers for my report.




  1. A lot of that would depend on the childs disablites. Some of the modifications that my daughter gets are these. Extra time on the test, she can answer questions by any means nescary that means she can dictate her answers to someone to scribe them for her. She can use technology the use of computers, calculators and any thing else that she needs to make answering the work easier.  My daughter is dyslexic, has fine motor skill issues (hence the use of computer to write) she has audio processing issues which means that you can't tell her to many things at  a time. So a lot of her homework is written down for her and when there are a lot of notes someone else takes them for her. She also has a none specific reading disability ( which means that they don't know what causes it) so if she has a lot of reading there are times when someone might read the material into a cassette and she'll listen to it at home where she can stop and start it when she wants.

  2. The modifications that are needed depend on the assessment of the student problems. Some common modifications are more time to take a test, letting the student use a computer to type instead of write, allowing a person to read the questions on a test, audio books, large print books, small group instruction, different levels of instruction. Modifications can be anything useful to the student.

  3. I'm not a teacher but my child has autism. Some modifications made to help him in high school were:

    His schedule was modified so he didn't have to be in the crowded hallways when the other students were going to class. The amount of work was modified.Example, in math, when the other students had 20 questions,he would have 5.In other subjects,he was allowed to draw pictures to express his understanding of a lesson taught.During test times,he was able to use a computer, since it took him much longer to write out answers by hand.These are a few of the modifications I can think of.I'll come back and edit if I think of more.

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