Question: mostly have regular sims game download?

by  |  earlier

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its agravation b cuz the reguler sims downloads arent compatable with the sims 2 deluxe game in mod the sims 2.....where can i find offical SIMS 2!!!! downloads thats ACTUALLY 4 the sims 2 or sims 2 deluxe or sims 2 night life




  1. calm down.i own the sims 2 deluxe.i've downloaded few items like eyebrows and lipsticks and all of them works.

    just because the symbol stated only The Sims 2 logo,doesn't mean you can't download it to your game.unless it had University or Bon Voyage expansion logo,and you don't have these expansion,only then you cannot get the custom contents for you game.  

    here's the tutorial for you.follow the steps one by one.

    i'm using i have to put all my sims stuff like hairs and makeup in Savedsims folder to make it show up.

  2. has all of that stuff. You are just a noob.


    First off, you have to join in order to download items.

    Then you click on Downloads.

    Then click on whichever downloads you would like to see.

    In your case Bodyshop -

    Then download the files and put them in your download folder.

    Excuse the non sequitur, but I hope you get shot. Your grammar is repulsive.

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