
Mohammad eviction night??

by  |  earlier

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Could someone tell me what it is that mohammad said on friday that made everyone be like 'ooo' or whatever when rex said 'looks like you're stuck with me guys' or something..?? i've watched it about 3 times and i can't work out what hes sayin!




  1. ahh wow..i thought he said something about nominations again lmaoo

    well he didnt get told off for swearing did hee

  2. Mo said - Oh S**t  

  3. Hello there! your on this too hahaha x x x x xx x x x

    'i feel good duh duh duh duh duh duh duh

    i knew that i would' lol x x x x x

    I DON'T KNOW!!

  4. he swore, after they where told not to  

  5. swore on live tv - which I never get anyway as it's after watershed

  6. glad you asked, i missed that bit as well.

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