
Molars/Wisdom Teeth question?

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Tomorrow I am getting my teeth taken out; the four in the back, I don't know which of the two it is called. I will be put to sleep. I have a few questions.

1. Did you have this done? How bad was the pain? Were you nervous?

2. Will I receive medications? What are they like?

3. How long will it be before I get to eat real food again?

4. Tomorrow after it will I be able to play the drums? Or walk? Or go places? Or talk?

5. How swollen will my jaw be?




  1. I had this done, I wasn't real nervous.  The pain wasn't as bad as expected

    You will recieve medications.  Pain meds, anti inflammatory meds and antiobiotics.  The pain meds are fun

    You should be able to eat 'real' food again within a few days.

    I wouldn't make any plans for the day.  You will be in kind of a drugged up stupor afterwards for several hours, and the pain meds won't help much.

    For me the swelling was non existant, sometimes there is more, sometimes less.  Hope for the best.

  2. I had one pulled an it was awfull for about a week. Then I had four pulled by a good dentist and I had some dull pain for a few days. I do not think you will be playing the drums.

  3. The pain isnt that bad. They give you laughing gas which makes you feel really really good. You will just feel a lot of pressure and the worst pain is when they give you the novicane shots I think. It depends on how bad the tooth is when you will be able to eat real food again. Yeah, you'll be able to talk, play the drums, ect. The meds wont be that bad and you wont be that swollen. Just eat lots of ice cream, soft foods and stuff like that...and just relax. Just when you're getting the teeth out chill out and act like its not even happening. It'll be over before you know it...

  4. I had it done in the morning and I was fine by the end of the day.  My jaw was a little tender but I started eating soft foods like bread that night.

    They gave me something, I forget what, by i.v.  I was out cold in 5 seconds.  Never felt a thing.

    Afterwards, I was kind of groggy so, although I could have talked, I didn't feel much like it--or anything else.  My jaw wasn't swollen much at all, just tender.  It wasn't bad at all.

  5. I had mine taken it out nand the pain and everything depends on the person. I swelled up pretty bad and I couldnt eat for about 3-4 days..  you get an antibiodic, but people i know were up and going out the next day so it all depends on how you react. so there is no definite answer. but you will take a few days to recover i would take it easy for the next few days!. good luck!

  6. You should've been told the answers to 2, 3, 4 and 5 when you first met with your oral surgeon.

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