
Mold invisible behind wall???

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We have a small leak when it rains form a high two story window sill which travels down the inside of the wall and leaks the top drywall frame of a window directly beneath it on the ground floor. We are getting this sealed but we are not sure about the possibility of mold growth inside the wall cavity. There are no signs of bulging, no smell and no visible indicators of mold. The window has only leaked 2-3 times this past year and since we live in South Fl, tends to dry almost immediately due to direct sun exposure. The outside wall is concrete, inside, drywall. Thanks for any suggestions...




  1. Hello, toxic mold grows inside walls where no sunlight can reach. I would not take any chances and let a pro mold tester come in and do some tests. Toxic mold can kill you or even worse cause you to become severely disabled.

    Elias Garcia

  2. I would suggest calling in a company the specializes in mold remediation and ask them to check for you.  they will most likely put a small hole in the wall and use a boro-scope to check for any signs of mod growth.  you can do this yourself as well, but you would need to cut a larger hole to see.

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