
Molding for braces, does it hurt?

by Guest63340  |  earlier

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Yes I was Silly C but I forgot my password DARN IT! plz answer best answer 10 pts sry bout the pw thing!

I know EVERYONE has asked this question... but Im quite worried tommorrow im getting molding for braces and Im kinda nervous!!! Im Only going into the 7th grade... First of all I gag pretty easy if I feel something far in the bak of my mouth.. or an unpleasent taste.. how do i prevent gaging? Also Wat will they do... like what does it taste like??? I heard u can get flavors or w/e for this does that help??? Please reply =]]

Also the flavors deal umm is it flavor on the molding or is it laughing gas??? like can you taste it or just smell it lol




  1. It doesn't hurt but believe me you will gag like crazy, I remember I got saliva all over my face when I got these moldings done.  Don't try to do any flavors like "chocolate" as that will just make it worse.  Just get a basic mint flavor because that should help the gagging.  I also it heard that it helps to raise one of your legs as you are gagging as it should tighten your stomach or something

  2. i gagged hardcore. you just deal with it. please don't get a nasty flavor. it will make the gagging worse.  

  3. lol calm down.. you have nothing to worry about until they actually put them on, but even then it only hurts for like the first too weeks. Since you gag due to unpleasant taste you will be gagging when the molding is done but it's not so bad because they give you water right after to spit with.  To prevent it try to get as much water in as you can and let it absorp the taste.

    As for the process, all they do is take the x-rays and look over them then take a few paste ingredients, mix them together and place them in a double-sided teeth molder and place that inside your mouth.  Nothing to bad.  Painless.... The after taste is horrible, but yes depending on the doctor in some states I believe they do have favoring.  Unfortunately, mine didn't.  It taste like old clay lol.

    Hope that helps.  Good Luck

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