
Mole turned kinda red?

by  |  earlier

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After washing my face i wanted to squeeze out my blackheads, i've done it many times before, but today when i did the mole on the tip of my nose turned slightly red so now it stands out even more... -.-" is anything wrong or will it go back to normal in a day to two? looks kinda like its bleeding under the mole or something...

btw i'm 15, and when i noticed the change i freaked out and told my parents but they just gave me a quick glance and said its not red...but my sister agrees with me.. omg




  1. Your best bet is to go to a doctors, they'll put some nitrogyen on it and it will fall off.. end of problem.

  2. You have a blood blister the blood under your black head probably moved threw your nose and onto your mole on your nose. Im sorry that sounds NARLY!!!!
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