
Molestation...7 years ago? help?

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Ok so my best friend just told me that her gpa molested her when she was 9, i know that was seven years ago but she wont tell her mom, i think she should because he(her gpa) has been to court at least three times for molestation. But she wont tell her mom, is it bad if i tell her mom?




  1. That is a hard decision to make hun.  If you feel close to her mother as well perhaps you could suggest that she ask her daughter.  I am sure her mom has considered it but may think that her daughter would tell her.

    This kind of situation is so hard.  See if she would consider telling her mom if you are with her, I think that would be the best thing.  Your friend needs to be able to face to molestation and telling her mom is a good place to start.  She may fear that her mom will not believe her and that does happen sometimes, but I suspect she will.

    Keep trying and if nothing else works, then I think you may have to tell her mom.  Just know, it might be a hard situation.

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