
Molested? what do i do

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When I was in 7th grade I got kind of molested...My sister was working and my mom was away. and i had nobody to pick me up so my sister had her boyfriend pick me up. He took me to my sisters and his house and said he was going to getsomething but he told me if i wanted to get something to snack on. so iwent in and he tried to kiss me and he tried to touch me down there. he got my hand and moved it to where his thing was, but i ran outside. I don't know if this is considered molestation... i don't know but it hurts inside... I cry alot from it. I've been holding on to this nightmare for 4 years... I don't knonw if i should tell someone.... I told my best friend and they told me to tell my mom but im afraid she might hate me or my sister might hate me... what do i do




  1. You really should tell your mom. I've had a big secret before too & it was to the point that I had sevre depression. You really should tell your mom. Let her know. She isn't going to hurt you, she will help you. Trust me, my mom helped me through my problem, your mom should help you through yours. :] & after you tell her, you will feel relief. It'll feel like a weight has been lifted off your shoulders!! good luck. :]

  2. It's sexual harassment.

    Tell your mom and your sister. Nobody should have to hold on to something like that for that long and keep it a secret.

  3. Yes it is a molestation. He should be in prison. I'm sorry your sister chose a pervert for a BF, but you my dear are a victim and he needs to be arrested....tell your parents now.





  5. why would your family hate you?

    they would hate the idiot that did that to you!

    honestly the best thing you could do right now is to tell your mom

    i know it may be embarassing or scary but you have to!

    you cant let him get away with this because he could just as easily do it to somebody else.

    is your sister still with him?

    if so, then you should do this for her sake too! if your boyfriend had molested someone close to you i am sure you would want to know!

    if you find it to hard to just tell your mom upfront, then write her a letter or get a friend to help you

    hope i helped! =]

  6. You need to tell someone you trust and feel comfortable with and I promise you your mom wont be mad and if your sister ends up hating you.Just know you did the right thing. By telling you can stop him from doing it to someone else. I have had many of those problems in my family and trust me the best thing to do is tell someone. Dont ever think you be made fun of or laughed at if you tell somone you love and are cofortable with. Trust me. Goood luck.

  7. your friend is right tell your mom if you want ask yor friend to help you and be there with you when you tell her=] im sorry for what happened dont let it take your life

  8. what's the matter with you? just because you were a victim doesn't mean you have to act so weak. for what reasons will your mom or sister have for hating you?

    take it up with your sister because she's obviously closer to the guy than you or your mom. crying and having nightmares will only hinder your mental development with relationships and probably being annoying for anyone you want to complain to  

  9. Go to your school counseller,then tell your mum.Tell them why you haven't spoken about this before.This is serious and you must have confidence that you will be believed.You will feel so much better after you tell.Have courage,do not delay!

    All the best.

  10. u should tell ur mom and let her know how u feel ..answer mine  

  11. sexual i smell a lawsuit?

  12. That is either being molested or it could be sexual harassment but i don't know what you should do but it might be best to tell your mom or someone else.

  13. u shold told to your mom...n...sister...

  14. look whether you are afraid or not you really need to tell your mom or sister they wont hate you..seriously they wont and if that pervert did it too you then he might do it again and you don't want anyone else to go through what your going through right ? well then tell your mom..that's sexual harassment.. good luck  and be brave!! ps your doing the right thing.

  15. What he did was border line molesting. tell your mother. neither your sister or mother will hate you. You may be saving your sister from future heartache. Imagine if she were to have a baby girl with this man and he molested his own daughter. You need to tell your mom now.

  16. tell your mom

  17. tell someone

  18. *sigh* why do girls make a big deal when guys do something like that? i dont see the big deal and i dont see why you get all depressed about it and have nightmares about it

  19. You should DEFINITELY tell your mom.

    I can't imagine how much this must be hurting you. You must have been holding on to this for a while. It IS molestation. Tell your sister as well so she knows what her boyfriend did.

    I am sorry this happened to you :(

  20. you should tell someone because it is a sort of molestation.

    dont think that it is your fault you did nothing wrong he was the one that wasn't thinking right

    you should tell your mom and sister so they know expecially your sister so she knows what kind of man he is

    dont blame yourself for any of it

  21. You absolutely must tell your mom and your sister. You are not only going to help yourself but you may alert your sister against being with someone who will eventually hurt her tremendously. If you care about your sister.....tell.....even if for that reason alone.

  22. This was not your fault. Please tell a parent and if they dont listen then tell a teacher. What he did was wrong and he should be punished.

  23. tell your mom, then your sister because remember that your sister doesn't know and loves him and he can rape her or kill her of the things going on in USA today.

  24. I wouldn't say that you were molested.. Although it could have lead to molestation. Gladly it didn't, and luckily for you it didn't. I think that you should have told your mom the day that it happened. I'm not exactly aware of his age, but if he had his own place then he must of been 18+. The right thing would to be to tell your mom, you would feel a lot better too.

  25. i think you'd just consider that sexual harrassment. your mom will definitely not hate YOU  i mean it wasnt ur fault! she might be mad at ur sister cuz its her bf and yeah she'll probably be furious with that guy... but u really should tell ur mom or another adult friend u trust. eventually ur parents should know. it wont hurt so much when they know, and he needs to be punished for that.
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