
Molly fry!!!?

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Hi, my molly has given birth today, (3 fry) and i have put them in a breeders net.. i just want to no if i should put plant or somthing so they can hide!!!!!

THANKS!!! o and haw mush should i feed them a day!!!!




  1. She probably had more than 3, but there is a good chance that some of them became lunch.

    As for keeping them in the net, you can, but it's not necessarily the healthiest place for them. Usually breeders of livebearers heavily plant their tanks with things like java fern and java moss, etc, to give the fry a place to hide from the adult mollies. This helps to keep the healthy and strong fish alive, while allowing nature to take its course with the weaker fish.

    It's also good population control for those who just keep fish, and don't breed to sell or feed to other fish, etc... since mollies can drop LOTS of babies on about a monthly basis, which can quickly overwhelm a home aquarium.

    Feeding them once a day is probably sufficient. Mine were never fed more than that, and they did well. Twice a day probably won't hurt, just be careful not to over-feed. Also, be sure that if you're feeding flake food, that it is ground up very fine or the fry won't be able to eat it. Brine shrimp is a good food for babies, and they make some specialty food that is in a gel or powder form for fry as well.

    Good luck with the babies. :)

  2. I would put as many plants as you can,it would be a good idea to keep them in the breeders net because they are safe from all the other fish.Feed them at least 2 times a day.I Know how you feel!i just found 2 baby molly fry 2 day ago,just keep them in the breeders net and feed them crushed flake food at marooning,and night.after a few weeks.Then let them go out of the breeders net when they are about 1 inch.If they are 2 inches i would definitely let them go with the other fish.If you want them to grow big you should make the fry eat newly hatched brine shrimp and micro worms.They can grow up to 5 inches.Also you need to make sure the mother is done giving birth,look in the community tank every time you feed you're molly's.they will give birth again in about 4 to 6weeks.

                                                hope this helps,

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