
Molly had babies, how do I keep them alive?

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Uhh I have had a male sailfin molly for maybe 2-4 months and the female over a month along with a dwarf guorami. They are in a 55 gallon tank with plenty of nooks and crannies along with plants. As I was feeding the three, out of the corner of a plant i saw a little moving fish like a centimeter long. I was confused... My dad confirmed with me that there was in fact a baby. I don't see any more, and catching them is out of the question in my roomy tank with all those hideaways.

Will he (or them if there are more) survive? Should i let some flakes fall to the floor for him? It is necessary to catch him for survival. I want him alive cause I've never bred a fish and he looks pretty cool, all see through. Will my mollies or gourami eat him?

One more thing, how long till he is big enough so he is not bite-sized?




  1. i had to get my baby mollies out to save them get him out ASAP the parents will find a way to eat him!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    to check if there is more shake the plants a little and they will come darting out trust me!!!!!!!! you have to get those little guys outa there! you can put them in a large cup for now or extra tank bowl flower vase anything that can hold them or him! for food give him crushed up (till its powder) fish flakes. my baby seem to love it! and put a plant in what ever you use he will feel secure and safe with it! please take this seriously if you wanna save the little guy! oh and 1 more thing if its only him, you should name him surviver or trooper! i only had 1 baby left and i named him trooper! its so cute! lol! good luck! and please get him outa that tank! you can put them back in the 55 gal. when he is half the size of its parent and other fish it will take a couple months for him to get that big though! they grow so fast! lol! mine little girl is growing up so fast! LOL! Good Luck!

  2. Mollies tend to have lots of babies so there might be more. Guoramis lone to eat babies. Make sure you feed them regularly and enough so that the guoramis don't get hungry enough to find other meals and as long as there are enough leafy hiding spots they should be ok. The best choice is to have a baby net but if catching them is not an option then the plants should be ok. And until they get about an inch long they will hide and eat the algae and fallen food. Good luck with them!

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