
Mollys never had one are they easy to maintain fish?

by  |  earlier

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will they breed in my tank? i dont want that to happen. could you also give me some info on what they eat ect;?




  1. Mollys are good starter fish, easy to maintain and there are hundreds of different colors.

  2. go here

  3. They have the same care requirements as most other fish-clean water, varied diet, proper sized tank, and don't overstock the tank.

    If you don't want them to breed, then don't get females, get all males, because they will breed and there's nothing you can do to stop that.  In fact, you can count on the females already being pregnant from the store, when you buy them.

    For feedings, they're omnivores so they need both meaty/protein and plant/vegetables in their diet.



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