
Mom, college, and staying at home... alone?

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I have a daughter, I'm starting college this fall and I live at home with my mom... Will I feel left out of the "college/party" atmosphere because I'm living at home?




  1. Yes, somewhat. But you aren't missing much. Remember, you made choices that landed you with a child. YOur child didn't make those choices. So even if you feel left out, you will have to deal with it, cause your child deserves more then for you to be at college parties all the time. Do what i did, go to the parties that are relavant. Christmas, end of semester celebrations. But also refrain from drinking to much and falling into the party scene. You have a baby at home, and that is YOUR baby, not your parents to babysit while you go get the college experience. I am not being mean, I'm being honest. i was also a mother through college and yes, you will feel left out, but at the end of it all, you will realize that oyu weren't missing much and what matters most is what you have and that is your child!!!!!!

  2. Well?  I suppose so, BUT!  . . . . . I have a view which you may not want to hear.  So here goes:

    You asking this question leads me to wonder about you being a responsible parent.  You see, since you are now a parent, there are certain choices and behaviors that go along with parenting.  It is no longer just YOU that you have to look out for.  There is a child who cannot speak for her self.  She is YOUR responsibility!  Not your Mom's.  She is your daughter and consequently, she is your responsibility.  She is yours to FEED.  She is yours to CHANGE [assuming she is still in diapers].  She is yours to clothe.  She is yours for YOU to be the MOM to.  She needs YOU to bond with & NOT anyone else.

    Asking about "college/party" atmosphere leads me to believe that you have hopes of participating with this less than responsible behavior, called alcohol & "party" and what ever goes along with those choices.  This is neither good, nor healthy choices for you as a parent, NOR your daughter.

    If you are off partying, you are not choosing wisely for your daughter, either at night or sleeping in in mornings or even having a hang-over.

    All that being said, I will tip my hat to you for going to college in oredr to better your education.  That choice IS good for both you AND your daughter in the long run.

    So, go make a few better choices in the interest of your daughter.  Study in the evening rather than partying at night.

    Bon fortune

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