
Mom's and Dad's- What do you need need a break from?

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My best friend since high school (she's 23) is going to be having her 2nd kid in less than 2 weeks. Her other kid is almost 6 years old. Among many other gifts, I am going to be making her a "Coupon Book". I plan to have around 10 useful coupons in it. My ideas so far are-

*Leave the cooking to me -ill cook dinner for them

*Girls night out - NO BOYS ALLOWED! lol

*Mom and Dads night out - I'll babysit

*Guy's night out - just to be fair (j/k)

what else can you come up with? What should I call the coupon book?





  1. Housework

    Alone time... no kids or husband or friends

  2. What a lovely thought you are a good caring friend!

    *I'll help with the grocery shopping!

    *I'll do your ironing!

    *I'll clean your oven! (yucky one)

    *A free foot your best friend. (or any other massage that you know she likes)

    *General Housework

    *I'll drop off and pickup ...(the older child) from school

    *Ring me anytime...even if it just for a chat.


  3. offer to do the dishes! they can really pile up fast. i'd put in two or three dishwashing coupons!  another could be watching the kids while she take a 1 hour bubble bath or other self care she enjoys. can somebody make me a coupon book! lol

  4. you take the kids somewhere, let them relax at home for a few hours

    another parents date night

  5. nap time definitely!you just watch the kids and she can nap..that way she does not have to use a her night out or anything for it..your really sweet for doing this!

    my best friend sucks now!

  6. I would include two Mom & Dads night out coupons & maybe two where you would cook dinner for them.  What a great friend you are!  She is sure to appreciate your thoughtful gift.

  7. Try adding household chores - like clean the kitchen, or a trip to the grocery store (that's often hard with a new baby).   Or a night of babysitting.  What a nice gift!  

  8. What a great idea.... mind if I use it for my friend?

    You could add:

    Pick a job.... she could choose anything that needs doing

    Morning duty (If you can do it)... offering to help the older child get ready in the morning

    Help!... I need.... So she can call you if she realises she's run out of something and you could pick it up for her

    Shower power ... clean the shower (and the sink/bath etc)

    And one where you would go over and entertain the kids for a few hours so she can do somethings around the house (if you think that will be good of course... I love having my sis over to play with my daughter so I can get stuff done rather than having her do it all the time)

    Arsenic hour duty ..... you can help with pacing up and down the hallway trying to calm bubs during the unsettled period

    Can't really think of anything clever to call it. I guess you could just call it "coupon book" but that's kinda boring.... maybe "couped up coupon book"  also kinda lame though

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