
Mom's do you listen to your kids ?

by  |  earlier

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  1. haha funny video, but honestly, i think every mother feels that way at sometime or another. I can say that I really make an effort to listen to my kids.

  2. No,no, and finally NO! Always be the main authority in your child's life. If they disobey, well you're smart, scare the living p**p out of them.

  3. mine are grown...yes i do at time...have a couple in the medical field

  4. Yes. I do. Although if I'm tending to one and the other needs something, sometimes they will continue on and on until I acknowledge them. LOVE the video!

  5. No!

    Why do they have anything good to say?

  6. aaw i cant see still at work....sure its nice .

  7. yeah

  8. ...Yeah I do no matter how tired or annoyed of something I am...I never ignore my child.

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