
Mom's out there !?Help !?

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My mom keeps takeing her anger out on me , and it is driving me crazy !!! I admit that my family is going though a devorce , and its hard , but really !!!!! I can;t take it any more !!!!!!!! I can't talk to her about it , I'v tried . I 'am 13 . What do I do !?!?!?!!




  1. Just ignore it and ask her why shes doing that

  2. i think a lot of parents take their anger out on their kids. i'm 13 and mine do the same although their not going to get divorced. like for example she is always saying how she has to work all day and when she comes home all the laundry is done dishes are emptied bathroom is clean rugs are vacumed, but the kitchen is not clean! so since the kitchen is not clean and she ends up cleaning it up she goes bizzurk. a simple thing that us 3 kids forgot to do and she goes bizzurk. well hey we did all the laundry cleaned the bathroom and vaced the rugs? its like hey what more can a parent ask for, for their kid to be their own parent. i think its also because of stress. my mom won't even cook us dinner anymore. we have to make something on are own. i tottally know how you feel!

    all i say is listen to your parents and when you get old enough and have your own kids learn from the mistakes your mom is making

  3. She's dealing with a great deal of added stress right now and unfortunately doesn't see how it is affecting you.

    Understand that this isn't about you at all.  This is between your mom and your dad.  Be there to support her.  Any anger you feel she is taking out on you - just understand it's not on you -it's not about you.  She is just having trouble directing her anger at herself and her anger at your dad.

    I feel that when you start seeing the situation as having NOTHING to do with you - you're just an innocent bystander, you will be able to look at her anger objectively and it won't have the power to hurt you.

    Hope this helps.

  4. sit down and talk to her. (when she's calm) tell her how you feel. tell her you understand she's losing a husband. you're losing a father. tell her that you don't want to lose her as well. she'll realise that she doesn't want to lose you either. tell her that you girls need to stick together through this. don't take it out on each other.

    don't point the finger, and say 'you do this, you do that' because she'll start to feel attacked...just explain calmly

  5. Just remember she loves you and try to help her through this time.she is human,and humans make mistakes.Try to be there for her,do little things she may not feel like doing,etc.Don't forget that GOD loves you both.Just pray and he will help you.GOD-bless

  6. Are you being abused? You may have to report her to CPS. Otherwise, you can either avoid her or give her support. You can't really change her. Would anyone be able to keep you at their house until the storm blows over? She can't handle one more stress. It's too bad she can't see how she's treating you bad.

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