
Mom's that go night club's?

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I don't have any kids yet so some mom's might get offended...

but, i know someone who has a newborn baby/infant & she still goes to night clubs, goes out with her friends every weekend, drinks every weekend & just assume's her boyfriend's parents will take care of the baby for her.

I just think it's not right. If i had a baby, I would NOT leave my baby with anyone just so i can go out & party. She obviously does not know her priorities, why even have the baby if the mom is going to behave like that? WHAT DO YOU THINK?




  1. Honestly I think it is okay to take a break every once in awhile for mommy and Daddy.  I think every weekend is a little excessive, but as long as she is still taking care of her child and the child is healthy I really don't think you should judge.  Now if the child is being neglected in some way then sure I could see the concern.  I personally wouldn't behave this way as I am happy to do the family thing on the weekends, but sometimes people who have kids younger have a harder time setting priorties.  Hopefully with time and maturity she will settle down.

  2. It isn't any of your business,so it doesn't matter what you think.Sometimes she might just need a break.And while I myself wouldn't do it.I see nothing wrong with a mom leaving her child for one night to get a break.Some parents even will leave their baby at the grandparents for the weekend to get a break.Whatever works for them.Either way,it still isn't any of anyone else's business.As long as mom,dad,or the grandparents don't have a problem with it.

  3. I agree also. She does not sound like she is mature

    enough to be a mother at this point. Its not really age but

    the mind set of being ready and prepared to raise a child

    and have all the partying and wild behavior out of your system. I am 28 and pregnant now and can honestly say that

    i am mentally ready to do this.

  4. I know where you are coming from. One of my friends friends has 2 kids and goes out partying and drinking and stuff EVERY weekend! She goes to clubs and drinks a lot and still acts like a teenager. She is 24, time to grow up especially if you have kids. My friend thinks the world of her though, she thinks its fine what she is doing and she tells me that just because your a Mom doesn't mean you can't still have fun. I agree!! But you shouldn't be going out every weekend and partying hard as much as she does. She is also breast-feeding and still drinks a TON and that pisses me off. But what can I do? It sucks but I just have to make sure I am not like that when I finally have children.

  5. i agree. its nice to have a break every now and again just for some alone time or maybe a meal with the hubby alone if the parents are happy to watch the baby but my night clubbing days are well and truely over and im only 23 and only 14 weeks pregnant.  I guess everyone is different

  6. Some people are not meant to be parents.

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