This has been going on for years. My mom's pretty unstable, but thinks she's fine, and a really great and "holy" person. She's always gossiping to me about the people at my brother's school and the parish, sometimes for hours on end. I'm an atheist, first of all, so I don't care about "the direction the parish is taking," and she *knows* that. Second, I don't even feign interest most of the time and yet she still seems to think I'm just dying to hear her tear down Mrs. So and So. It's pathetic, really.
During the school year I could get away by claiming I had to do homework or something, but lately I haven't had any excuses. She does not take hints - she will keep on going like a freight train. I kind of have a nasty urge to tell her how much I don't give a sh*t, but does that put me down at her level? Plus she'd spaz out and sob to my dad about how unloved she feels and how great of a person she is and how indebted I am to them, blah blah blah.
I just wish there was some way I could make her see she's NOT the fabulous Catholic she thinks she is, without me catching slack for it. Is this impossible? :/ I'm 18, still living at home, if that helps.