
Mom doesn't speak english...having troubles at work..what do i do??

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my mom has worked at this factory for about 8 years now. she doesn't speak much english. some of the people there treat her badly, including the managers. she can't really just quit and work elsewhere because most jobs require you knowing english. my mom came home today very frustrated and almost crying. she said there were other coworkers who weren't doing their job at the factory. so she had to pick up their slack in order for the machines to work properly. but then her managers yelled at her for not doing her part. and then her co workers yelled at her for not helping them. she tried explaining the situation to everyone but they just kept yelling at her and saying that she shouldn't be getting so mad. now my mom is quitting and i want to yell at her workplace. what can i do that won't get me in so much trouble? i just want to tell them that i don't like the way they treat my mom. and i especially don't like her 25 cent raise those 8 years. she deserved more with that c**p.




  1. Instead of quitting and yelling perhaps you could go and be a "spokesperson" for your Mother.  Explain to them that you Mother has been having a very hard time and then simply explain everything you did here but in a VERY professional and polite manner.  You have to leave out the cursing.  Explain how others take advantage of her because she cannot speak proper English.  You may also want to try to get your Mother enrolled in some English as Second Language classes as an alternative.  I will bet they will listen to you if you are professional and polite.  Good luck!!

    Peace & Love  :)

  2. Plain and simple, if you live in a country where English is the language used by the majority, then she needs to learn it.  It is frustrating for people who are working with her, when she does not understand.  She needs to take classes, or you should teach her - you seem to know the language well.  How do you not know a language well after eight years?  Another person who doesn't want to "conform".

    Add'l note:  So you are saying that the people who work with your mother should have to learn her language because she won't conform and learn theirs?  There is a problem in my country where people want to come here and take the jobs and money, but don't want to learn the language or do what's right.  Our jobs are going down to Mexico and the Mexicans are coming here, speaking no English, and taking jobs.  My husband had to work with them and finally gave up shortly after starting because it was IMPOSSIBLE to communicate.  It was clearly stated in the policy that English was the only language to be used yet none of them would abide by the rules.  There is no excuse for your mother not to know the language.  If she just stepped off the plane, that's one thing - but she's been here at least 8 years.  I'm not saying to lose your identity and culture.  Keep the culture pride, etc., just learn the language if you're going to stay and work alongside people!  It's dangerous enough in a factory - it's even worse when the person beside you can't communicate if there is something seriously wrong.  It's in your mother's best interest to learn the language!

    Note # 2:  OK, so I got to the part where you said "YOUR country"??... this means you don't know that people from many different countries come onto Yahoo Answers.  I don't know where you live, it could be Canada, Australia, the UK...  When I was speaking about MY country I was telling you what was going on where I live.  This tells me a lot about the chip that is carried on your shoulder - hence your name (by the way, I went no further in reading your rant after you made that statement).  You clearly steer away from the main problem that your mother has not learned English.  You know there is no reason for this and so you do not comment on why she has not tried to learn it.  Take note also, that the company I work for has struggled for a while now and I have only gotten a 25 cent raise in the last four years.  I do not complain because I love what I do and it gives me the time to spend with my children.  Times are tough, people should be grateful for what they have.  This is a hot topic in the U.S. and from the other answers you can see that I am not alone.  Teach your Mother English!

  3. 8 years and she doesn't speak the language?  You can't do anything...except teach her English.

  4. Please have your mom find a course in English as a second language.  After eight years, she has got to be totally frustrated not being able to express herself.  

    She can't stick up for herself anywhere at anytime.

    I don't like the behavior you've described from her employers at all.  It's not right.  But if she has no other employment options, she's stuck.  Until she learns basic English, she's painting herself in a corner and cutting herself off from a big chunk of society.  I'll bet your mom is a wonderful woman with a lot to share with those around her and at work - if she could just speak English.  I'd love for her to be able to get a better job and leave this situation.  She's obviously bright, if she's doing her job and helping her co-workers.

    Please, please help her find a class.  If you can't find one, try checking with the local Catholic Church.  They frequently know of all kinds of help and where to get it.

  5. there are english classes are all over the place in english speaking countries. she should join them sometime. and you speak and write english very well, how about giving her some instruction? learn english, if i went to france i'd expect to learn french to to get on with life and learn it fast.

  6. the actions of your mothers coworkers are horrible. but if i went to a non english speaking country and could not speak their language i would be in the same situation. there is nothing more frustrating than not being able to communicate with someone due a language barrier. if she expects wage increases and job satisfaction she must learn english. she has basically crippled herself by not doing so. i hope this turns out for the best. as far as doing something. it would not be good to make a scene no matter what the reason. the best thing you could do for your mother is get her to learn english and find another employer.

  7. after 8 yrs there is NO EXCUSE for her not speaking english... but... that does not excuse the behavior of the co workers... it does explain their frustration though... but it should have been handeled differently...

  8. If you know you're mom doesn't speak English that well, then maybe you should help her by speaking to her in English instead of Spanish. I am sure it is more comfortable for her to speak in Spanish with her friends and family but you're not helping her if you're only communicate in Spanish and she needs to get better English skills.

    Also I would like to point out that in America you do need to have a good command  of the English language, that is the unofficial language here. You can't go around expecting everyone  in America to learn Spanish. You came here and yes I know there is the Spanish option when calling for service with your phone or credit card and that there are some Spanish speaking TV channels, but in all reality you need to know English to get by here smoothly. If you're family had moved to Italy you would have to learn Italian, you wouldn't expect the whole country to learn Spanish just for you.

    *****Oh well when I read the post everyone was talking about Mexico and Spanish. But it really what  I am saying applies to everyone who decides to Migrate to the US.

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