
Mom has gone too far?

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I am sitting here on the computer doing the task my mother has assigned me, going on store websites and figuring out how much I'm going to spend tomorrow when we go shopping so she can ask my Dad for how much she needs. So I am supposed to be going to websites and picking out exactly every little shirt I want and writing down the price. This is crazy! Do you write a list of exactly every item of everything your going to buy before you go shopping? No! It's just too hard, and then what if I end up in a store and I see tons of things i like but I only picked out two things from online? Then what do you do? Let's be honest here, is my mom whack?




  1. I think your mother is smart.You are finding out how far money really goes and maybe you will learn how hard it is to come by and what life as an adult will be like.

    It is best to go with a list and make sure you get the things you NEED,instead of foolishly buying the things you "want" and realizing later you  do not have the things you need and are out of money.

  2. yes your mom is whack and what the h**l posseses her to shop online???? you should just come out clean and tell her that this is crazy and your not able for it anymore, its not fair and your mum is a control freak! (in a good way) or maybe your dads the controll freak and limits your mum on how much allowance she and you get a week which is cruel, talk to your mum and sort this out now,if you dont talk its going to get worse if you do talk how bad can it get?? just try TALKING!!!!!!!!! best of luckxxxx

  3. Y doesn't she just ask for a big lump sum of 150$ to make things easier?

  4. no doubt.

  5. Sounds like your mom is very exact and a real planner.  Just pick what you want and ask for an extra allowance to get something in the store that might not be listed online-- like something on the clearance rack.  Have fun shopping.

  6. I'm sure your mom just wants a general idea of how much the clothes will cost, not for you to pick everything out and expects you to stick to what you found on the web.I;m sure you'll have some leeway.

  7. No, But the economy isn't it's very best right now, so she needs to know cause they need money for food,school clothes,and more! So she wants you to  watch the limit  
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