
Mom is a compulsive

by  |  earlier

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This is strange...Ive been trying my best to figure my mother out for YEARS! she steals from friends and family. she stole a loan refund check of mine for 5g's when i was studying overseas and lied about it, leaving me stranded w/ no way of getting home. shes stolen the identities of my siblings and myself, placing numerous bills in our names, and never paying them. ive know for years that she was an alcoholic, and had a problem with gambling. I was snooping in her room this afternoon (im 24, i should really grow up....) and I found tons of expensive jewelry with prices still in the box. A diamond and gold necklace for $1,000, a pair of earrings for 1250, another pair for 900. problem is, she never pays her bills on time, she and my dad share one car because they cant "afford" another. whats going on?? is this typical of a gamblers behavior?? shes always been a compulsive returner. she would go on a spending spree, buying shoes, clothes, etc and then returning them.




  1. you can't help them. until they realize the truth about themselves, they'll never change. my advice is to abandon her until she hits bottom, then help her pick herself back up. until that point, she's just going to use and abuse all of you.

  2. Wow and I thought I had a problem...

    what exactly is your question (besides venting)?  Have you spoken to your father about this (and if so, what did he say)...since you family is acting blind about this, since you are now an adult you need to maybe have a family intervention...if not, you need to move out and be 100% independent from your mom (or her on you)...good luck...this is not going to be easy (also, what type of gambling does she do)?

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