
Mom is bipolar, what to do??

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What can I do to help keep her from going to the Mental Institution again?




  1. It is not your responsibility to keep your mom out of the hospital. I know you want her home but the first thing you need to do is take care of yourself. Then let doctors take care of her. You can love her and support her even if she does need to go back to the hospital. Its not your fault or your responsibility. Bipolar illness is extremely difficult to manage for some people. If she is on her way down, call someone and get them to help her. I am sorry you are going through this. Hopefully she will be feeling better soon, and you are at peace soon too.

  2. If the doctors admit her to the institution there is a good reason for it - maybe to get her stabilised again.  

  3. ask her about lithium.. i grew up watching my family fall apart cuz my dad had it and still does.. were doing great cuz he takes lithium tablets.

  4. Good luck, but give her her meds daily and maybe regular exercise will help  

  5. give her medication properly

  6. Assuming you are a teenager.........

    Start by calling her Dr. or therapist.  (she doesn't need to know, and you don't have to specifically talk about "her")

    You may want to call the Hospital Social Worker...this is what their business is about.

    Another source - Call your health insurance and ask if they will help you to find out these things.   It is very likely that they will gladly pay for a few therapy sessions for you to gain some guidance.

    Yet another source, through your mom's therapist, ask if you can come to some / part of her sessions or have family therapy  -- because THIS IS A FAMILY PROBLEM.  

      Make a list of maybe 5 questions.   #1 you asked above.   #2 is there a group or place you can learn about Bipolar or mental illness - a family support group?

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