
Mom is too over protective?

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Okay, I can't date til i'm 18, I'm cool with that. But she won't let me get a web cam. Most of my friends live about an hour away and I want to talk to them but my mom thinks i'm gonna talk to a bunch of old guys, I'M SMARTER THAN THAT! Why can't she trust me?! So, how can I get her to trust me and to let me get a webcam?!




  1. Make a deal with her and say that you will prove to her that you are responsible to have a web cam. then tell her that you will do chores around the house to earn the money to by your own web cam.  

  2. whats so good about a webcam. if you dont have one it'll be more special when you do get to see your friends.  

  3. like my mom says its not u she doesent trust its the rest of the people these days

    ur moms not bein to over protective she just dont want u doin anything stupid that u might regret in the future

    as for a web cam just tell her ull buy it with ur own money and that u sware to god that u wont do anything stupid but dont constantly bug her about it cause then she will just think that ur not mature enough for one so just sit down with her and hav a one-on-one talk with her and try and convince her

    also show her that u r responsible teen and do some extra stuff around the house and come home earlyer than ur curfew and if u dont hav one then come in earlyer than wat ur used to

  4. Good for her, most of the time they just get you into trouble.

    You can talk to your friends without a web cam.

  5. Talk to her.. she has to give in oneday!

  6. Chill

    you don't NEED a webcam.

    i don't need/want one either. You won't be able to convince her. It's a battle you don't want to fight

  7. Talk to her. Tell her you will give her the link to your website, that way she can watch your webcam.  

  8. thats retardedddd reminds me of my parents. i think you should just go buy your own webcam haha jk! but be like mom im not a hoe i dont talk to old guys so stop being over protective.. yeah?

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