
Mom of 12yr old daughter needs Help!!?

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My daughter is 12yrs old.. She has had her periods for almost a year now... The thing is she would rather ruin her clothes than to wear pads or tampons.. I have openly talked to her about this over and over.. I have bought every brand of protection for her to try... Nothing seems to be of her liking... I am at my wits end! She started middle school last week.. I'm not wanting her to embarrass herself but am thinking that it may be the only way to get her to see that she NEEDS to wear something.. I will take any advice you all can give me to help me with this one PLEASE!!!!!!!




  1. yes guest1412 is right she bleedy her undies an pant or a dress she wearing u should take her out to a mall or a public place an keep her in public all day make her wear them every day tell her period is over make sure she dont wash them good luck

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