
Mom of four needs legal assistance?

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My daughter divorced her first husband about 5 years ago and her second about 6 months ago. She has one child by each and they both have custody of the kids (one is 8 and the other is 4). Both men were very abusive (she's a bad picker). The first has a large criminal record including rape and sodomy on other women and has at least one permanent protective order on him but he still won custody. Seems in Oklahoma it is ok to be abusive to children and women. He beat my grandson with a belt buckle while the divorce was going on and the ER doc wanted to testify but the judge would NOT allow it and she gave orders that we were not to check him for marks or bruises any more. I swear to God. We have the court transcripts and the child welfare was in the courtroom until the judge threw them out (they were on my daughters side). She is supposed to get him every second weekend and two weeks during the summer but he always cheats her out of part of her visits and she has alway made the exchanges at her own expense (she lives in Oklahoma and he moved to Arkansas). She is paying him about 400 a month child support so she can't afford a lawyer. Now the second guy is getting 300 a month because she had no choice but to sign custody over to him due to not being able to afford a lawyer to fight him. Legan Aid would not help her because they don't handle child custody cases in Ok. I tried calling lawyers and organizations but to no avail. The first husband is threatening to take her back to court for more child support (she only makes 11 dollars an hour) if she doesn't do him 'special favors' if you know what I mean. He is remarried and lives off his and his wifes child support!! If you can help please let me know......




  1. Yeah you need to call your states' attorney general's office real quick.

    Go to to find free legal aide.

  2. If all the details are correct, and your daughter is not unfit, the judge erred in excluding testimony from child services.

    I don't know if this firm does pro bono cases, but it wouldn't hurt to get their free consultation and they handle appeals. This amount of bias by the judge is horrible and it sounds like this case should be heard by a different judge. It is contempt of court also for the father to deny her visits.

    Good luck.

  3. It's unfortunate that she has to go through this.  Believe me I know the effects of a bad judge.  Your best bet could be going through child welfare especially if the abuse is continuing.  Every little bruise photograph it (no flash it bleaches out the bruise making it less of a bruise) report to child services.  You can also have him arrested each time your child says they got hit.  You and her have to document everything and even though there's not enough money for a lawyer keeping fighting.  In many cases lawyers make it worse and you have to pay them.  I know this for a fact as I had to fire 3.  Something else must be going on in that courtroom as she lost both kids.  Make sure you and family are there to support her and encourage her to speak up.  It helps a lot when mom and dad are there.  She has to literally speak out and not let the other scum bag lawyers and ex's run the show.  If she wants her kids back she has to speak out.  She might be able to get a lawyer through the courts for free to represent your children but do this only if the kids really want to stay with her.  She can also take them back to court to lower the child support as she now has two support cases.  She can also ask to lower the amount or increase visitation time in the case of the parent who moved out of state as her visitation time has been lowered.  Make sure she brings all of her bills and pay stubs.  Child support is based upon how much you make.  She can also request that the father go to parenting and anger management classes.  She can also ask for a court liason that may be able to help her change courtrooms.  She can involve the police if they fail to give her the children at her scheduled time.  They have helped me a few times.  Just have her call the police and make sure she has a copy of the order.  They will make him give the child up. You could file for custody of the children because of the abuse.  You have to keep fighting for them because no one else will.  It unfortunately took my case all the way to her 18th birthday hopefully yours won't happen that way.  There is a light at the end of the tunnel my daughter is in college now and wants nothing to do with her father and his family and she's getting good grades.  I hope this helps.

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