
Mom or dad? ( how should I know)?

by  |  earlier

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my mom always yells and we always fight, she is so meased up and always

puts me down.

My dad is always yells and I'm never comftorba;e around him because

he gets mad at everything.

where the h**l should i go to mom or dad.




  1. friend/counselor/adult/relative

    anyone you trust

  2. looks like you are messed up too.what do you do wrong for them to be yelling at you all the time?

    why do you think of your mom as messed up? you are probably having a difference of opinion with her . try to see her point of view if she is trying to inculcate some good habits into you. think rationally about waht is wrong and what is right.dont act stubborn and do things just because YOU want to do it. then you two will probably be on the smae page.

    dads are always a little dfficult to be around with because they dont really look into the emotional side of a problem.only an exceptionally understanding father can really understand what to do with his kids's problems.

  3. idk grandma

  4. i think your mom bec. ur mom just want the Right for u

  5. Its hard to answer this question because you haven't given enough detail.

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