
Mom suing me for 500? 10 points?

by  |  earlier

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so i owe my mom 500 bucks and i am flat broke. She is taking me to court for 500 bucks knowing there isnt anything to fighyt from my side. But i no she is Working under a fake name fake social and fake VISA . i want her locked up for taking me to court. What would happen if i do say that




  1. WHAT IS THE WORLD HAPPENING TO OUR SOCIETY, mom suing her own son,son suing her own mom, father killer his son, son killing father, father raping his own daughter etc...The world has turn up side down since the dawn of history plus the sophisticated gadget within our reach.

    YOU OWE your mom $500 therefore you should pay your mom, is there a problem with that? Your flat broke? You are unemployed at the moment, then your mom should understand that but if you are working yet you are broke then its your fault. You better advice your mom not to bring these problem to court, for merely $500 only, your mom is willing to risk that amount with a lot of litigation fee amounting to $1,500 to 1,700 not to mention the lawyer's fee and other expenses. Your mom is out of her mind for these only?

    EVEN IF YOU DIVULGE the fake name/social number/visa the court would not touch of these issue because the real issue is the debt not your mom personal status. SO WHAT IS THE USE, you want to ruin your mom why not just shoot her. IF I WERE IN YOUR PLACE, I would just tell my mom I will pay her but not drag ourselves infront of the court what for? What is the main point? For messly amount of $500 only we have to sweat and throw garbage with each other? WHERE IS THE LOVE BETWEEN MOM AND SON now adays gone with the wind?

    I SUPPOSE YOU DO NOT LOVE YOUR MOM or even respect her, if you do not  love her well at least show some respect to your old mom who raise you and kept you for 9 months in her wound. After all the years this is the gratitude she expect from you telling other people she has fake names/visa etc. This is not how I picture this even if how hateful I am with my mom I will not tell like it is.

  2. You can not call her Mum any more, and You Brock some once hart

  3. tell her if she really wants her money you will turn her in collect the reward money then pay her or she can just wait or take payments

  4. You admit ownng her $500.  Cant you find a way to pay her $20 a week at least?  Sounds like she is suing you for the principle of the thing.  I think that in the courts your claim that she is working under a false idenitity is another case altogether.  It dosent cancel out that you owe her.  Family and money dont mix well.

  5. get a job quit stiffing your mother

  6. She would get arrested and would therefore be unable to sue you. I suggest you turn her in before she gets to you.

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