
Mom to homeschool me?

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she has no college education, she graduated HS and thats it.

what can she do, does she take classes, if so, how long are they (months? weeks?)

if this helps, were in NC and i am in the 8th grade.

thank you so much !




  1. my mom went to college and did not graduated and she home schooled me and all of my friends who where homeschooled none of the moms went to college they don't have to and you do not need to call a school like who ever told you to when they get in to a home schooler life it's not good so don't call a school and your mom will do fine she don't need a college education no one does.

  2. According to law, your mother doesn't need qualifications etc etc, she just needs to be capable of teaching. And being a mother, it comes naturally.  

  3. Neither my dad or my mom went to college or took classes, all they needed [in the state of Ohio] was to be approved by the super attendant.

    Home schooling is SO much better than pubic schooling, and easier.

    my parents home-schooled 13 children! [I'm #13] and were all Way smarter than anyone who went into public schooling.

    1 teacher who loves you and can give you all the attention you need on anything you need help on is better than a teacher who knows you for one year and just wants the money.

  4.      Do you know how many home schooled students won the National Spelling bee in the last 12 years 8 out of 12. so much so that there was a big push a few years back to stop home schoolers from completing.


         As long as your Mom gets help when needed, and gets you involved in sports or outside activities (Music).  and sticks with a schedule you will do great

  5. she needs to take a class  im not sure what kind ask your present school your in

  6. In my homeschool group there are several women who went to college and earned their teaching degrees.  But, now they choose to stay home and teach their own children and greatly encourage those who do not have degrees that they are capable of homeschooling too.  

    I've included a link to one main homeschooling site that can inform your mother of everything she needs to know to start with, especially for your state.  


  7. She could, even if she didn't graduate, you don't need classes, just books. good lucks!

    \ / peace& ♥ ( ) around the world ~~~ for generations!

    EDIT:the answer aboveme is really good :D

  8. I am a homeschooler and my mom didn't go to college. Find a local homeschool group and you can make friends like that, plus you would get some of your education in at the group meetings. IT IS ALLOT OF FUN!!

  9. Your mom doesn't need any degrees to teach you. Homeschooling is a lot like working on homework. If you use one of the cybeschools, they will assign a teacher to oversee your studies. http://takecontrolofyoureducation.blogsp...

    If you homeschool privately, your mom will have the answer keys and the teacher's manual that explains different concepts.

    Best of Luck!


  10. You need to get a tutor.

    Your mom doesn't need to teach you.

    And you need to tell your school about this first.

  11. hey i homeschool too!!  in NC ( pinehurst ) to be exact.. i'm 10th grade and my mom just graduwated HS too she never did any college and no u don't have to take classes or anything just at like the end of the year she has to order your eog.. thats pretty much the only records u have to have to pass a grade ( its your mom's responsiblity to teach you well..) so if she can teach you threw HS then thats all she needs:: and idk what our books are there like ( abeka ) or soemthing like that but if u got questions i'd be happy to help ya! if i can lol my email is this name ( sheenalars ) was just a randmom name i thoght of! sooo email me if u have questions and what part of NC are u from? later dude
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