
Mom very ill in Israel - what are visa requirements for entry to Israel?

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I'm an au pair in the Netherlands. My mom is ill in Israel. what are the visa requirements for entry to Israle and how long does it take. My host mum has just posted a similar question




  1. Most of the EU, US and Canada don't need a visa to enter Israel.

  2. As many pointed out if you are from the US there are no Visa requirements.  I do have to ask though, if your Mom is sick why would you post a question on YA and not just pickup the phone and call around?--much quicker.

  3. well, are you Jewish?

    and if not, you shouldn't have a problem getting in to Israel, but they might give you trouble to leave. do you have a passport from any country with diplomatic relations with Israel?

    please stop rating me down, it's true that you should be able to get into israel quite easily, but sometimes the airport gives you trouble when you try to leave without proper passports (it happened to me last time)

  4. If you have a US passport then all you need is a ticket there is no requirements for US  citizens.

  5. This web site should answer your questions.

    I hope your mom feels better soon. Safe travels.

  6. Try this link, the Israeli embassy in Finland

    this one is interesting too, it seems that you don't need a visa if you have finland passport.

    May God help her, I Hope your mom will be better soon.

  7. You need to say where you are from.. Look on Google, and search for the Israel visa requirements from your country, or look up there website, and you will find out. US citizens do not require a visa

  8. You do not need a visa if you are a citizen of the U.S, even if you are currently living in the Netherlands.

    Best wishes to your mom; I pray that she gets well soon!!!!

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