so how does it work? i only trust my mom to take care of my child and it is best to have her name on the birth certificate and all that stuff so the baby will never find out what happened here..
the reason of this being because both my mom and i came into a mutual agreement.. since she cannot have anymore kids, and her and her new husband wants one to raise together, i allow her to adopt my baby. I'm still in college and so close to graduating and Im not as stable. I would feel miserable knowing that i cannot take care of my child. So anyways.. we agree to this.. but we dont want anyone to know and we dont ever want the baby to find out about it.. YES it would be weird having the baby call me her big sister but it will make everyone happy! so if u have something mean to say, please keep it to yourself. It was a hard decision.. Oh, and if you're wondering wheres the father, he couldnt handle me being pregnant, period.
anyways.. How does it work? thanks in advance