
Mom won't get rid of Teflon cookware? PARAKEETS/ BUDGIES?

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I want to get another parakeet, but my mom is being very stubborn about our teflon cookware. I think they poisoned my other parakeets. What do I do?? Reasoning with her won't help. She is stubborn and won't compromise or be flexible.




  1. The next time she has a birthday or holiday of some sorts buy her set of black iron skillets. They won't hurt your birds. If the Teflon over heats, that is when it is dangerous. Good luck.

    P.S. It's her house. Her word is law. She doesn't have to be flexible or to compromise. Her word is the law! Arguing and to continue to bother her with it only exasperates the situation. Ask her about the black iron and ask her if she would try it? That is the only type of skillet or deep fryer that I will use. Teflon is junk and it doesn't cook as evenly as the iron does. If the fumes will kill a bird dead what do you think it is doing to your lungs? The people who make it don't know and that is for sure. Twenty-five to fifty years from now they will come out and say that it is harmful to use that cook ware.

  2. I really would like you to read up on birds since you have had trouble keeping them alive.  You definately were not feeding them or watering them correctly.  Please get books or read on the internet at least before you get another bird.

  3. Teflon is  only dangerous if you're overheating it to the point that it smokes and gives off fumes, so I doubt if that's what killed your other birds.

    I've kept birds all my life and have always had Teflon cookware in the house and my birds have NEVER had any issues with it. However, I don't smoke or burn scented candles.

    Does anyone in your house smoke? Does anyone in your house burn scented candles? THESE are what's killing your birds.

  4. if ur mom won't get rid of the teflon then i guess u should move them to a nother place so they won't smell the teflon cooking but put them somewhere with some ppls cuz they like companieis

  5. Well, teflon would only be a problem if the budgies actually eat the teflon off the cookware. Otherwise it should be ok.

    Even if you were going to cook the birds something (and I don't know what you'd cook for a budgie...), it should be ok. Make sure they don't eat bricks, or wood, or nibble on anything... well, anything you wouldn't eat.

    What we did was just keep an eye on them when they were out of their cages... make sure they didn't eat on/p**p on anything they weren't supposed to. It should be ok.

  6. Hot cook ware with Teflon can kill birds within mintues, plus self cleaning oven with Teflon coating,microwaves, space heater's and more.

    If her refusal to stop useing Teflon coated pans after two birds were killed by it, then please, don't subject another bird to death.


    Your mother is not being "stubbon and won't compromise or be flexible." She's being a good parent. If you can't even do the basic levels of research to know, for instance, that birds need to be fed every day? You are not only a bird-killer, you are a *dumb* bird-killer, and shouldn't have birds. You've killed enough of them by now, haven't you?

    "Me me me, I waaaaaant a bird, it's not my fault they keep dying, my mother's so irrational for not giving me any more."

    Life has consequences, and you can't just whine them away. Suck it up, learn how to actually care for birds, and get yourself some birds when you're old enough to move out.

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