
Mom won't let me buy a dirtbike. Help!?

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Ok so I'm 15 and I've been wanting a dirtbike for ever and now that I finaly learned I think I'm ready to buy one

the problem is that my mom just won't budge.

She thinks its to dangerous.

what should I do?

I already the money and the bike picked.




  1. Well buy it and let me know what it costs for your first hospital bill you with your broken spine... ok?

    Oh and dont forget that broken leg and arm that your mom gives you for going behind her back!

    They are dangerous

  2. Talk to your dad and see if he can talk her into it. Or you could put together something showing your mom all the advances in safety products in the motorcycle industry (such as helmets, boots, chest protectors,neck protection goggles) Might show her a little responsibility and hopefully change her mind.If not then I guess you'll just have to wait till your 18.  

  3. just go and get one

  4. tell her it's only dangerous in an idiots hands.... and make sure you have the extra 500-1,000 for the chest protector, helmet, gloves (handle bar grips will tear your hands UP) boots (not totally nessicary but advised) and neck brace... and tell her you will be buying these as well and wearing them...

    (you can probably find alot of it on using the search feature at a fraction fo the price it is new)

  5. dont go behind thier backs you'll just have to keep nagging and get 1 when you 17

  6. Well you are 15 and momma says no. That is the end all be all. Dont get one behind her back, just wait it out. You may be 18 before you get one. I feel for ya, but if you were my kid and went behind my back you would wish you had wrecked that bike after I got done. lol

  7. You gotta do what a man gotta do. But you must take full responsibilities and be super safe! Learn EVERYTHING before u RIDE! be safe and have fun

  8. go ahead and buy it and let us know how it goes

  9. you're on your own with this one,i would rather walk into the local biker bar and yell out "harleys suck" than go against an angry mom !!

  10. wow i am in the exact same situation. but mine is worse because my cousin just died riding a dirkbike, but you just have to keep after her about it ang show her that you are responsible and you will be safe. otherwise i guess you will have to me  

  11. Stick your chest out and buy it.  It is easier to get forgiveness than permission.

  12. buy one behind her back...then show her how kick *** they are!!

  13. Do what I had to do, wait until You are 18.

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