This is a hypothetical situation:
A mother is giving her 14 year old child foreign herbal pills (i.e. Ayuvedic medicine) that she claims helps her developmentally delayed child with her problems, but the pills contain a high level of lead that is making her seriously ill. The doctor tries to convince the mom to stop giving her the pills, but the mother refuses. What can be done legally to help the child (i.e. for the child to stop taking pills), before resorting to placing the child in foster care?
Also, if the mom has other children (who she's not giving the pills to), will those children be taken away as well?
What are a doctor's legal obligations for reporting something like this to Child Protective Services? Is there a system in place to report something like this?
Please cite where you got your information. I tried to find information online but this is a specific case and I can't find my answers.