
Moment of truth television show? what to do?

by  |  earlier

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So the first half of taping for my appearance on the Moment of Truth TV show was today and the 2nd half is tomorrow. Anyway, one of my last question was 'Have you ever killed someone?" of course the whole audience is like 'oooh' like they always are when you asked a question. I wait for like 3 mins to create a feeling like the producers tell me and I finally say "Yes!" I am like biting my teeth and laughing and the host is like 'any details?' of course I am like 'no!' Anyway, so then they ask me this next question, 'have you ever knowingly peed on the toilet and not cleaned it up in a public restroom' and that's when taping ended. I am scared. I can't answer this question tomorrow. What if the public thinks I am weird or something when I go to the bathroom.




  1. lol....u can say yes to killing someone but u cant say yes to making a mess on a toilet seat?  lol if it werent for guys making a mess on the toilet, we would never have to clean the rim of the toilet...its natural...there are many people out there that make a mess and dont clean it've never gone into a public restroom and had a piece of **** in the toilet that someone never bothered to flush?? happens quite a me, you will be just fine...dont worry about it.  

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