With my first baby, pregnancy was cake. With my second I was on IV and/or bed rest the whole pregnancy. My body doesn't rebound from pregnancy like many and I desperately want a tummy tuck. After 2 kids I have gone from a 10 to a 20 and I hate it. So I have my appointment for surgery and everything and now my husband is thinking we should have another baby when I, who stays home, am having trouble coping with the 2 I have. Because we haven't made a decision for sure, I canceled my tummy tuck. What do I do? I would like to have another child but I don't want to roll the dice and be on bed rest like that again. It nearly destroyed me.
With your advice, remember, I am in a very loving 9 year religious marriage.
Weather or not the child is adopted or natural, I do want a 3rd, but maybe not till my youngest is potty trained. But I'm not sure I want to wait that long for a tummy tuck