
Mommie Needs A Tummy Tuck!?

by Guest33298  |  earlier

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With my first baby, pregnancy was cake. With my second I was on IV and/or bed rest the whole pregnancy. My body doesn't rebound from pregnancy like many and I desperately want a tummy tuck. After 2 kids I have gone from a 10 to a 20 and I hate it. So I have my appointment for surgery and everything and now my husband is thinking we should have another baby when I, who stays home, am having trouble coping with the 2 I have. Because we haven't made a decision for sure, I canceled my tummy tuck. What do I do? I would like to have another child but I don't want to roll the dice and be on bed rest like that again. It nearly destroyed me.

With your advice, remember, I am in a very loving 9 year religious marriage.

Weather or not the child is adopted or natural, I do want a 3rd, but maybe not till my youngest is potty trained. But I'm not sure I want to wait that long for a tummy tuck




  1.     If you are thinking about maybe becoming pregnant, I would hold off.   This surgery is going to remove all of the fat and stretched skin.   It would be a waste of time to do it and then have your skin get stretched out again.  Another thing to consider is that if you are already overweight, you should make attempts to get to a goal weight before getting the surgery.  Having it done while overweight is fine, but if you were to have significant weight loss, your stomach is going to shrink again and you may be dealing with loose skin again.  Another consideration is to consult a good cosmetic surgeon.  He or she will be able to discuss with you your options  

  2. nobody NEEDS a tummy tuck

    its just an excuse not to exercise and become fit the proper way

  3. I would personally say adopt a child and take the T.T if you really think you need it... Think about it and ask people who took it...  

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