
Mommies to 3 or more?

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Were you able to feel each baby move sooner then the last? I remember feeling my first at about 17 weeks, my 2nd at 15 weeks and I am 11 weeks and have already felt little movements with this one. Is that possible or maybe am I feeling gas or something??




  1. It could be the baby you are feeling move but it could also be that the little flutters are the changes your uterus is going through. You just recognize them sooner since you have felt it before. I have 4 boys. I actually felt movement sooner with my first than the others probably because they were twins.

  2. It's not that they're moving sooner, it's that you know what the feeling feels like and detect it more easily. I felt my oldest at 19wks, my 2nd at 18wks and my 3rd and 4th at 16wks.

    At 11wks, it's most likely gas, but if really feel that it's movement, who knows?

    Best Wishe and congrats! =]

  3. Yep its possible I think :) With my first it was around 18 weeks, then second around 16/15 weeks, and then my last around 13 weeks. I always wondered too if it was gas, but I was pretty positive it was movements. You are able to notice things more when you've been through it 2 times before! haha. Plus everything is 'stretched' out like your belly and all, think you could feel it more b/c of that.

    Congrats on your 3rd ;)

  4. With all of my previous pregnancies, I felt movement between 16-20 weeks, just as expected.  However, this time around (baby #5), I started feeling him/her around week 13.  At first I wasn't sure if that's what it was because it was just barely noticeable, but it has gotten a bit more frequent (every day instead of every couple of days) and a bit stronger.  I'm now at 15 weeks.  Plus, the area that I feel it in is right about where baby should be.  11 weeks seems awfully early to feel movement though.  I'm not saying you aren't feeling baby, but if you are, it would have to be something that you could just barely pick up on.  It could very well be gas and honestly, you may never know for sure.  Either way, congrats and good luck!!

  5. I am pregnant vvith my 3rd and felt her move alot sooner then my first 2. I felt my first at about 17-18vvks, my second 16vvks and I felt this one move for the first time at 13vvks.
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