
Mommy's I need your help :(?

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My Daughter is 9 Months old. She has been what I call a "High maintenace Baby" Since birth. Now that she is older it is getting harder and harder to go out places because she is never content! Now, im startin to get remarks like" My Goodness, she is a fussy thing" or even from family members some dont come around bc she cries alot. What should I do? Its so hard being a SAHM to a baby that is never satisfied. I feel alone and lost. Should I talk with her DR about it?




  1. I would definitely talk to your Dr. about it!  Because of her age she can't tell you what's going on and there could be more to her fussiness than meets the eye.  She could be in pain.  I was a fussy baby when my mom took me outside when I was little and now she knows that it was because I couldn't handle the sun on my skin.  It may be something simple but it could be something serious.  I wouldn't wait to find out.

  2. Just ignore the comments.  Not worth beating yourself up over.  I remember when my first son was a newborn, I took him to a nice restaurant in his carseat.  He slept almost the entire time, but I was a nervous wreck worrying that he would start crying, and what would I do and did I bring enough for him in the diaper bag.  Another mother walked by our table and said - "Isn't it nice when they are so easy like that?" I didn't understand at the time, but now I know what she meant.  Obviously, as he grew older, he became more vocal, slept less, needed more interaction and attention when we went out, and, generally, was fussier.  

    It may just be her temperament and the fact that she is getting older and is more aware of her surroundings and more easily bored.  It IS exhausting trying to give all the attention their little souls crave, but it is worth it.  I can't promise that it gets any easier, but I think that we, as mothers, become more adept at dealing with it.  I would absolutely talk to the doctor if you have concerns, but in the meantime, do not stress out too much.  Enjoy the time at home together  - I guarantee you will remember the laughter much more than the tears.

  3. Talking to your babies doctor won't hurt but probably won't help either.  The doctor will almost certainly tell you that your babies behavior is normal. I would recommend finding a new mom's support/playgroup in your area. I would call the hospital where you had the baby or talk to your baby's doctor and see if they can recommend one to you. It really helped me. Good luck and remember it does get better.

  4. I am  young and it is my first child. Obviously i was quite inexperienced but i did what felt right. And it worked. My daughter was born very calm, not 'high maintenance" baby. Since i lived with my in laws my mother in law was taking care of everyday chores. There was nothing left for me as to hold my baby all the time. Literally. In two months after she was born it turned out that i could not go to the bathroom or eat  breakfast if she was awake. It was getting to the point that she would sleep only in the Bjorn carrier during the day. Forget about going somewhere - there would be no way to put her in the car seat. when she turned 4 months it became kind of wearing emotionally. I was looking at the babies sitting in the strollers with sheer jealousy. I thought when can i go somewhere with my daughter? i would try to put her down at least for a couple of minutes to eat dinner and she would start crying. I was adamant to let her cry a couple of minutes when my mother in law would pick her up and hold her until i was done. my in laws made it obvious that i am not being a good mom letting my child nag even 2 minutes. My husband and i could not handle it anymore. We started putting her down more often letting her cry, at first inconsolably and hysterically but gradually she learned how to entertain herself. she learned that if she can see me even though i am not holding her the sky won't fall... She is 8 months now and she is very independent and confident girl. she crawls around and stops fussing if i explain to her that i have to finish dishes first and only after that i will pick her up:-) needless to say it was not easy - there was time i wanted to pull my hair, i would tell my in laws to stay away, and felt desperately a bad mother. Just to let you know you are not alone andIT WILL GET what feels right. Because most of the times it is right.Good luck

  5. I wish I had the answer for you, I also have a "high maintenance" 9 month old daughter. Its like you never get your "me" time because of her constant cries and demands. Just try to give her what she needs, if it seems completely out of control, then yes talk to her doctor, but to me it sounds like she just wants what she wants when she wants it!

  6. I hate to say it, but it's not her fault.  She is now 100% used to it.  It has become habit, all the things you do for her.  I know at first it starts for your piece of mind:)  But then in the long run, it is so much harder to stop.  She needs to learn to entertain herself or self soothe.  This is going to be a heart breaker for you both but must be done because it is only going to get worse and worse.  start with one thing at a time.  Good luck:)

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