
Moms, How do you find me time with more than one child?

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Is there such a thing as me time? Can you still get me time while spending time with the kids, your significant other, and doing house work? How do you get any rest?




  1. I don't know the meaning of "me time" and sleep? I haven't had a good night sleep in 3 years. I forget what sleep is anymore lol. But seriously I tell my hubby "look, I am gonna go crazy and I need at least an hour" He usually understands, and then I go into my room and shut the door, I either take a nap or read or watch T.V. or whatever. Everyone needs a break and you should tell your significant other that you need one. Good luck,

  2. Well as soon as my sisters and I were old enough, my mom forced us to do some housework that she didn't have time to do herself.

  3. I make sure I have *me time* even if it's just a half an hour (or less) a day.  My husband helps by taking the kids with him when he can, plus it helps now that the kids are back in school it's a little easier.  

  4. Yes you prioritize thing.

    I have 4 kids a Significant other and 2 jobs.

    With school starting I will have to redo schedules but I already know it will work out.

    Housework the kids help with I can get the house clean in about 10- 20 mins depending on how detalied I want it.

    I go to work only when the kids are in school for one job and for the other I go in right at bedtime so I get the whole day with my children.

    The my Significant other and I get to spend time also on our days off and I still see him everyday. We all spend time together.

    Me time that is my sleep time every other night. Actually me time I seem to need less now that I have everything in order. My significant other has helped a lot with that. Now that I do not have 50 billion things running through my head I am fine.

  5. I am the mom to 14 month old twins and you just do what you have to do.

    I get time for myself when they go to bed at night but I never go anywhere.

    I get housework done through the day.  The good thing about multiples is that they can play together at a certain age.

  6. Playdates... my sister takes mine today, then I'll take hers tomorrow. That way we can run errands without the hassle of pushing a screaming toddler through walmart.

  7. I raised 4 children, 2 years apart. Sometimes you have to leave the dirty dishes in the sink or let the housework go to get time for you and your significant other.

  8. huh?  what's me time???  i'm

  9. It's very hard.  Sometimes you just have to ask yourself,  "How clean does this house really have to be?"  My house is often cluttered, but I've just decided that I can not do everything and it is important for me to rest.  My kids like to go to the library, so I can sometimes get some me time when we get back from the library because we'll all spend some time reading.  Although I guess that is still kind of family time and not really me time after all. LOL

  10. It's hard, but I make it a point to MAKE me time.  

    Sometimes that means that I tell my husband that I need some time alone.  He's very good about having me leave the kids with him when he knows I need a break.  Half the time I disappear into my bedroom for the evening and read a fluffy novel.  The other half I actually leave the house and have time away for shopping or a pedicure.

    Sometimes I tell my kids that I need some quiet time.  My youngest still naps, so during his nap I'll let my oldest (7) know that I'm going to do activity "X" and that he can choose a quiet activity to do on his own.  I'm still there to make sure that everything is okay, but can take the time to read, crochet, etc. while he does the quiet activity.

    Making and taking that time is refreshing and gives me a much needed boost.  I end up being a much better mother and wife in the end.  Of course, turn about is fair play and I make sure that I provide the same time for my husband when he needs it.

  11. i have 3 kids and i took care of all of them, my husband works 5 days a week but on his day-off, we all go to the beach, park, watch movies, etc. about my me time, that's the reason why i insist on my kids to take naps when there's no school. that's the time when i can just relax for a couple of minutes or hours. when they're awake, i clean the house, cook and do the laundry with their help. my kids are aged 8, 7 and 5. but they know how to pick up their stuff and put their stuff in their proper places, they even know how to fix their bed, which they have to do every morning. they help me set the table, take the trash out and fold their clothes after i take it out of the dryer. they help me do things around the house, that way, i finish fast. as for their homeworks, we're all in the kitchen while they're doing their homework, i'm cooking. they can ask me for help whenever they need help with their homework. when they're all in school, i vaccuum the floor, clean the bathroom, etc.. for 2 hours, after 2 hours of cleaning, i take a nap or watch tv.

    the important thing for everything to work out right is routine. make a daily schedule which you can follow and must stick to, so the kids know exactly what you expect them to do at any given time.

    then at least 2x a month, i leave my kids to my cousin's house so my husband and i can have some private time, like watch movies, go on a dinner date, etc.  

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