
Moms, do you eat your baby's food?

by  |  earlier

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I do! =]

I always go out and buy treats for my son (cookies, crackers, fruit snacks, etc.) and I always end up eating them!

I never realized how good 'gold fish' crackers were until I had a baby! =]

Anyone else out there eating their baby's food?




  1. Guilty  ;)

  2. I have to say yes, but my son eats what we eat- organic produce and fresh, not frozen of everything else. We don't keep junk in the house or processed foods or snacks. We all snack on fresh fruit, cheese and whole grain crackers, yogurt and things like that.  He gets a cookie or cupcake on special occassions but never on a regular basis. While sweets are fine, we prefer to start young in teaching "everything in moderation" on the sweets.

  3. lol well i raise my 18 yr old neice...and yes i must amitt i do! but i am more of a graham cracker theif...i always eat her graham crackers lol

  4. Yes, of course.  I always try it first before giving it to my baby.  I'm guilty.  

  5. *lol* Nope.  I intend the junk for me and the healthy food for the kids... doesn't always work out.

    PS I just tried the Chapman's cones with the frozen yogurt instead of icecream and granola in place of peanuts and the strawberry one is good.  The banana is a little "fake" tasting.

    Super Cone Frozen Yogurt

    My mom bought them.  But eww I just looked at the ingredients! Nevermind blech.  I'm never eating those again!

  6. I don't but my mom sometime fed my son ( his grandson ) she always tasted before feed my son, I told her hey that's his food, and he will let you know if he like or not, lol.

  7. I looooove mashed vegies and thats what she has for tea most nights so i have taken to making to much and eating half of it myself......i brought her a packet of yoghurt frogs and she got one LOL....i cant even blame my hubbie he doesnt eat sweets lol:)

  8. Yes, My daughter is 7 months and I always taste her food, I figure first I have to make sure it is not too warm when i feed it to her and second, I have to make sure it tastes good :):)

  9. yes. I am still fond of gerber's bananas any stage

  10. I was just thinking this the other day. My girl is still young so she doesn't have lots of treats but I have found I have been buying more varieties of fruits and have been enjoying sharing them with her-lol I love her arrowroot cookies too. I do find the pizza pops and quick foods I buy for my oldest- he is 18- gets eaten by my husband and I just as much. I so would not buy these foods if it wasn't for him but we all enjoy eating them. I am going to try to avoid them more with my daughter when she is older but then we may miss them and decide they aren't sooo bad for her-lol

  11. Ha......we don't buy cookies or fruit snacks just because we would end up eating them all before she gets them.  We also started buying weird flavors of juice like mango because we kept drinking all the grape & apple juice.

    P.S. Goldfish are the best!

  12. I do taste my daughter's food to make sure it isn't hot before I give it to her. My son is 4 and my husband is always eating his snacks. I do indulge now and then but my husband is the big violator of stealing kid treats from the cabinet. I do love goldfish though.

  13. Oh yeah, they are great!  I am sure I eat more than the kids do!  LOL

  14. Today I was feeding my 5 month old baby girl stage one bananas...I stuck y finger in by accident & discovered just how good it is.  So I did it again...then I felt guilty. Taking food from a baby....!

  15. lol well my baby is too young for the snacks. But his baby food jar I always l**k the spoon as I'm heating up the food. My fiance thinks its disgusting since its pea's and carrots and such, but I love it.

  16. I usually make us the same thing,as far as the little snacks,we buy her teddy grahms,goldfish,animal crackers(cookies) and I dont really like them and shes always trying to feed me. I just pretend eat them.

  17. Yes

  18. late july brand bite size cheese crackers. my husband and i polish them off every time i buy ruby a box. ditto for tings, pirate's booty, and veggie booty. i have to employ a lot of restraint not to go nuts with the annies mac and cheese -- that i really don't eat. but i want to.

  19. yes, sometimes i do.

    i finished his cheerios the first time i bought them for him.  i just realized how much i actually liked it.  

    i try to not get him too many snacks, but i do buy them to bribe him sometimes lol.  when we are out and he is screaming i don't mind giving him a cookie to behave!

  20. We make a majority of what our daughter eats, so yeah we end up tasting it.  

  21. Unfortuately, yes. Our daughter will ONLY eat her baby cereal if I do it too and make a big production of how good it is. And she got wise to me pretending to eat it, or not really putting it on the spoon. And that stuff is foul. She doesn't know any better though, so she thinks its good!

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