
Moms, how do you keep your kids busy on a long plane or car ride?

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How old were your little one(s) and how did you keep them occupied whether it be for a plane or car ride? I'm flying tomorrow and I'm curious to see how everybody else keeps their kids occupied!




  1. We just flew last week, it was a 3 hour flight.  Our children are 2 and almost 5.  We brought a backpack and filled it with sticker books, books, coloring books and crayons (they each had their own set of crayons), little mini pillows, iPod and portable DVD player.

  2. We've flown overseas (11 hours total!) with our 3 little ones. It was overnight,so that helped because they slept almost the whole time. But I did bring LOTS of things for them. I tried to have something new for every 1/2 hour- hour of travel. I got them magnetic books from Toys R Us, colored tape, little cars, new DVD's, coloring books, travel games,  and lots of snacks. I'm not sure how old your children are, but the BEST thing we ever did was took the carseat right on the plane for our little guy. Even last year, he was 2 1/2 and I could have easily had him travel without the carseat on the plane, but I thought that would just be asking for trouble. It was so nice because he sat there and just played with his toys, slept and had snacks! Not one bit of fussing at all. Oh, one last thing I took too was my iPod. I downloaded a ton of my kid's songs and they really loved listening to the music- especially because they are not usually allowed to use my iPod!

  3. get those Crayola paint markers that only mark on the book they come with. Also, flap books keep my kids mesmerized.

    good luck

  4. well ine are 4, 8 and 13 and i each pack them a pack of there favorite activies such as for my little one: a goody bag of blocks, colouring books, stickers and a favourite teddy! i also keep them occupied on the transport such as looking out the window or polaying small games!

    when you get on the plane you may want to tell the younger ones that the people in the suits [flight attendanrs] can best friend s with the police men or for young boys the best friends of the man that catches the bad guys on his television series and he better be good otherwise they mite think he's a bad guy! hehehe i hope it helps good luck!

  5. I didn't go on a plane ride until I was in grade 4 and my brother was in grade 2. (around 8 & 10 years old).

    We brought Ipods, game boys, books, and all sorts of toys that would keep up occupied. Also, we spent allot of time looking out the window.

    If your in the car then bring all that stuff + movie and dvd player.

  6. You need to check out this super cool website-it's packed with ideas on keeping kids busy on long trips.  I just did a 2 day drive (each way) with a 2 year old, 5 year old, and 8 year old.  My older two liked having their own walkman with music and Books on CD.  They also loved playing with foil-seriously.  This website suggested it, and the kids used it like playdo-molding it into animals, bracelets, bowls for snacks, frisbees, shaping letters, etc.  What a cheap toy!  They also liked having a map so they could follow along and see where we were, how far we'd gone, and how far we had left to go.  

    My 2 year old liked having a children's CD on with her favorite songs, as long as we all sang along with her.  I also stocked up on some cheapy toys at the dollar store to bring out as the day went along.  Magnetic things like the old-fashioned Wooly Willie (where you use a magnet to pull the black magnetic "hair" into hairdos for him) and a magnetic Mr. Potato Head were her favorites.  

    I also had snack bags ready for each child.  I put snack-sized portions of healthy snacks like pretzels, apple slices, jerky into zippy bags, and also had string cheese.  Then when they wanted a snack, there was an appropriate portion size for them, and they could choose one from their bag.  I snuck in some cookies (not good-the chocolate melted all over) and a lollipop and one other candy for each child.  Lollipops and chewing gum are great for take-off and landing to relieve ear pressure.

    A friend of mine said she always brings a Chapter book along on the car ride, and she reads one chapter aloud every hour on the hour.  Sometimes she wraps little gifts or snacks (dollar store toys, or coloring pages, or a new marker or crayon set) like presents, and hands those out every other hour.  So at 10, they read a chapter of the book out loud, then at 11, they get to unwrap a "present".  Then, instead of whining, "When are we going to be there?"  They're asking, "When do we get to read the next chapter?"  Isn't that cool?

    Have fun!  And check out that website!

  7. Music, pencils and pads, video games, good ole' converstion.  We play categories sometimes... How long are we talkin'?  Food is always good to. Have fun!

  8. Pipe cleaners!  (Although, I'm not sure if they'll get through security)  Lots of portable fun possibilities for almost any age!  Make them into guys & creatures, then play with them.  Shape letters & numbers.  Play guessing games with random squigglies.  Make fishing poles & fish.  We don't go on a road trip without them!

  9. We have gone on several plane trips with our small children, two cross country car trips, and a few car trips that lasted about a day.

    Coloring books, and lots of quiet games that you can play with them.  

  10. We use silly putty, crayons and coloring books, DVDS, music and books.  It worked well for our kids.   For our 11 month old, then 9 month old, we brought plenty of toys and kept pacifiers on hand for sucking to help relieve pressure in her ears.

  11. Buy the atleast five hour portable dvd player and put their favorite show or movie. Bring crayons or books. Well I know the DVD player works.

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