
Moms, how many times do you wear your bra in a row?

by  |  earlier

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And, how many bras do you own (that fit)?!




  1. i've never counted how many times but its not too often.... may 3 or 4

    and i own 16 bras and they all fit

  2. 1 week

  3. Why only mom's?

    I read that you can wear it up to four times, unless you sweat. In a row.


  4. I have 4 bras. I wear them a few time. Maybe 3 or 4 at most. Not necessarily in a row though. Sometimes I will wear a white for 2 days then need a black then go back to the same white. When you wash underwire ( or non underwire even) too many times they break down and stretch out. I don't ever dry them and I try to wash them only when they really need it.

    * TIP: If I know I am going to have a hot day I sometiems rub deoderant under my b*****s to help with sweat.

  5. I have atleast 20 bras but like only 3 fit really good...I wear one i guess about 3 days in a row and then i wash it.....

  6. I have 3 nursing bras but wish i had 2 more.  I have 2 unsupportive sports types for day and 1 great bamboo one for night.  I wear them 3-5 days in a row.  Not really intentionally, sometimes i just forget to wash.  I wish I had 1 more night bra and 1 supportive underwire.  You're not supposed to use underwire nursing bras but sometimes the girls need a lift!

  7. How much you use a particular bra is very personal. If you sweat a lot, you would have to change your bra more often than one of those amazing women who is blessed with absolutely no perspiration.

    Also, if you're not big on laundry (or hand washing, as the case may be), stock up!

  8. 3-4 times depending on if I get sweaty or not.  I have 3 bra's that fit.  Well only 3 bra's period.

  9. I have a few that are past their prime and should be thrown out...I only use them on laundry days or when I'm doing dirty work - washing the car, yard work, etc.

    In the good ones, I have five.  This time of year I only wear them once and they go to the wash. It's too hot and sweaty out for more than a day!

  10. I have 4 nursing bras that fit currently.  I usually wear them 3 or 4 times unless I have leaked through one.

  11. How many fit me?? 2, and they would be the most horrid maternity bra's I have ever seen.

    How many times do I wear it? Usually a couple, unless I have been spewed on or been working really hard.

    I think it's time I bought some more.

  12. Depends on whether I've leaked all over it or not!!

    I have four and because I wear them around the clock... I still need to use nursing pads at night (DD is 5 months) I usually change them at each shower. I'll often just rinse it in the shower if I know I am not going to get to put a load of washing on in time and then I'll just let it dry on the towel rack. Sometimes they get another round and last me two days but I rarely go a day without being thrown up on or leaking all over myself LOL


    I just assumed that you were talking about nursing bras because you directed this at Mums...

  13. Maybe once or twice if i don't sweat and I own between 15 to 20

  14. Well I'm 16, and I'll wear the same bra as long as I can unless I change into like a white shirt that you can see my colored bra through

    So you could say at least a few days, if my shirts weren't see-through, a few weeks!

    I have like 4 or 5 good ones

  15. i have 3 that fit - and i wear them a couple of days in a row unless i have been hot & sweaty.

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