
Moms, please ease my mind? Im still FEELING HORRIBLE!?

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So as most of you know, My Daughter fell out of bed 2 days ago. She is fine thank the Good Lord above, However Mom is feeling like c**p...I never in a MILLION years dreamt my Daughter would EVER fall off the bed, But lesson learned. Anyways, So I need some stories here- Has your baby really fell off of the bed/changing table? are they ok? When did you stop feeling like dirt? Thanks Ladies! I appreciate it. Lots of blessings.




  1. All three of my children have fallen off the bed at one time or another.  My son was only a few weeks old when he fell off the bed.  I turned my head for half a second and *wham*.... onto the floor he went.  I called my husband in tears because I just knew I was a horrible mother.  He's almost 4 years old now and one of the smartest, healthiest little guys I know.  lol

    My daughter was a couple months old when Daddy sat on the bed and accidentally flipped her off.  You know how the bed sinks down when you sit on a corner?  Well, that made her roll off.  He felt awful.  It was the first time I'd seen him cry in a long time.  lol

    My youngest son fell off the bed when he was a couple months old too.  I honestly have no idea how it happened, but away he went.  He did a full gainer right onto the floor.  I saw the whole thing happen in slow motion.  lol  I ran as fast as I could, but didn't make it in time.  Again, I called my husband in tears.  He just laughed it off though and said, "Well, at least all three have been initiated into our family."  lol  

    They are all three happy healthy kids and I'm still a pretty great mom if I do say so myself.  

  2. It has happened to me before too. My son was around the same age at the time as your's (he's 15 months now) and in the morning when he woke up, we would always bring him into bed with us and lay him between us and he would usually doze back off and so would we for maybe 20-30 more minutes. Well, one morning, he didn't. He decided to start crawling around and play and it didn't wake us. I heard a thump and a screaming cry and our son and tipped backwards off the bed. I assure you, accidents have happened to EVERYONE. I know you feel bad (as did we) but give yourself a break. Like you said, lesson learned. I'm a member of Cafemom (you should join..its AWESOME) and in one of the groups I'm in (April 2007 babies) there was a post about this same exact thing. A mom posted about her baby falling off the couch and all these other moms were responding with their own stories so I know it happens often. =)

  3. Well i must be the worst mom here. My son was 4 wks old when he fell off me =[

    I nursed him to sleep, it was around 1am & put him in his bassinet, he woke & was about to cry so i picked him & i thought i'd pat his back for 5minutes (i actually looked at the clock) before putting him down again, i laid on my bed, next to hubby & next thing i knew he was on the floor crying!! OMG i felt HORRIBLE! i cried all day long, he cried for maybe 60sec before falling back asleep, we took him to the dr & he was 100% fine, but i felt like sh*t.. That day was just so crappy.. I felt like he depended on me & i failed..

    I know how you feel better than you imagine, but, it'll pass. I'm sure she already forgot all about it =]

    God Bless

  4. I have a 7 week old daughter & haven't done anything yet (thank god!) but my mom had something like that happen to my sister. (I'm 25 & my sister's 10 so I can remember it). My mom was babysitting & had my sister there too. The family had a really large wooden dining table. My mom sat my sister in the middle of the table in her car seat. I think she was a few months old. One of the kids my mom was watching was playing in the water in the sink or something & my mom went around the corner for literally a minute. She heard a thump & my sister actually wiggled out of the car seat & went over the side of the table even though the table was huge & she would have had a long way to get to the edge. My mom took her to the hospital to be checked out but my sister is fine. My mom still feels bad about it to this day though.

  5. Please don't come down so hard on your self you are human and do make mistakes.    When my first was about 1 he was having a bath and I went to pick his up  he pushed off of me when he did that he lost his balance fell hit his face on the tub will he put his front top teeth through his lip and chipped the teeth plus got a goose egg on his forehead. I was a mess at the hospital I couldn't stop crying when this nice nurse sat and talked to me told me thing that happened to her little ones and it made me feel better. my son didn't need any stitches and  they said he  was fine after they took an x-ray  they just cleaned the cut. and he went to the dentist and had a sealant put on the chipped teeth... I'm glad your little girl is ok

  6. Well, yes it will be the first of many falls, but we always feel way way worse when it's something that is either our fault, or something we could have prevented.

    Well, here's one that will make you feel better, and made me feel like c**p for weeks. When my son was a couple of months old I had him in his carseat and was carrying it up to a friends house, and thinking he was buckled in it I was swinging it a little, like you do when you are trying to calm them down. Anyways, next thing you know my poor little baby is lying on the grass, he fell right out! Thank God I hadn't put the car seat back in the car to drive. I know, I know I am a horrible mother. So that is my horror story, and to this day my husband hasn't  let me live it down, but I know I deserve it.

  7. Glad to hear she's okay! I know it's hard but you have to quit beating yourself up. What's done is done. She's fine, you've learned a lesson, and it's time to move on.

    Last month I was changing our then 3 month old on his changing table. I turned around to put some clothing in his closet and heard some major screaming. I looked and he was off the changing table and on the floor! He was fine after a few minutes of cuddling and only had a bruise to show for it. I, of course, felt horrible the next couple of days but I got over it. Babies are bound to fall and get bumps and bruises. Naturally we'll feel bad about it but it's better to just be grateful that they're okay than to beat ourselves up over it.

  8. My daughter fell off our couch. I cried and cried and cried as I held her, I had never felt so guilty or so terrible in my life. I checked every inch of her body probably 100 times to make sure it all looked OK, and I told her doctor about it at her appointment which was the next day. She's perfectly fine, it hurt me (emotionally) more than it hurt her. Lots of kisses and cuddles seemed to make her tears go away...I still feel guilty, but I know that most moms will experience this.  

  9. i'm a bad mom right along with ya! =)

    when i had my first son [he's 12 now] i was so exhausted that i fell asleep with him next to me in my bed and all of a sudden i woke up to him crying and looked next to me and he was gone!! he must've rolled right off the bed and flopped on the floor...he was a little shaken up, but he was just fine. [i believe he was around 5 months at that time]. i made sure it never happened again and now i have 4 children and kept myself from making that same mistake!! i know it's hard and you feel horrible but these things happen, don't stress or feel guilty...just be happy she's okay!!  

  10. My son fell off of myself (from the bed), when he was just a week old.  I fell asleep nursing him.  I felt horrible for what seemed like forever.  I think it was about a week before I was not feeling so guilty.  He is 10 months old now, and 2 weeks ago, he fell off of the couch while at a friends house.  She was sitting with him, and she turned her head for a second, and he went after a toy.  He got a little rug burn on his nose, but that was all.   He was fine both times, I think I was more upset than he was.  

    My husband fell off of his changing table when he was just a few months old, it took a few days for his mom to get over it.   Neither of them have permanent damage.  

    After my son fell when he was a week old, I asked every mom I knew that same question, and every single one of them had a story to tell.  It did help me feel a little better.  

    Accidents happen, it will be okay.  I think we always feel worse than the kids do when they fall. :)

  11. This is the first of many incidences to come! Not to make you feel like a bad mom, but children are prone to hurting themselves and no amount of hovering or protecting will change that!! My daughter was a rather lazy baby so she didn't do much of anything, but once she hit that ripe age of 2 she began hurting herself, and then there was one time at a friend's house that I put her on the only swing available (she was almost 4) and when I was pushing her, I actually pushed her off. She hit her face on the concrete and I still feel terrible to this day! She doesn't have any problems, but then again I also took her to the chiropractor to be adjusted after being checked at the ER. My son however, I am constantly running into him (as he is not paying attention to me either) and he falls backwards, hits his head, etc. He also fell off the bed at a younger age when we didn't even know he could roll!! We were in the moving process and put him down to bed, while taking care of other stuff. The moving guy came to us an hour later asking if we knew he could roll over and I ran in there to watch him roll off the bed without being able to stop it! Horrifying!! They have soft bones and thick skin, so you sort of have to grow thick skin in order to live with the fact that they won't stop hurting themselves!

  12. I think all moms have gone through this at one point or another!!! I remember with my son (first born) ... he was 4 months old, and not quite rolling over yet. I laid him on the couch (which was a pretty high couch, as it is plush) and I turned around to grab a diaper, and he rolled off :-( ... he cried soooo hard, and I cried harder!!! I took him immediately to the ER to be checked, and he was perfectly fine, just scared!!! I felt like a terrible mom for the longest time ...

    My advice, is don't be too hard on yourself :-) your baby is ok ...  

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