
Moms 2 jobs need energy help!!!?

by  |  earlier

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I just was looking for some remedies to get me more energy if possible natural i'm working to jobs now plus with 2 babies 2yrs and 3mos right now i really have no choice need to get out of dept i i need a better place to stay i don't plan to do this long but i do worry that i might fall asleep while driving or my body might just give up i haven't been the same since my 2nd son. i work 12 to 5pm at my part time and 10pm to 6am at a burger king for my second job the father watches the boys now till he find another job we all stay in the same room so it's hard for me to get peace and quiet. yes i have a bad living thing going on that's why i'm doing this 2 job thing i want to do the best for my kids it's not there fault. and yes i do plan on leaving my bf if he doesn't get his act together I'm so tired of living like this sorry that's not important.




  1. Call the local crisis center and ask them for advise on how to apply for local housing help.  That being said.  Ear plugs!    

  2. Tell the father to bring the kids to the park for a few hours so you can rest. Its cheap and they can stay for the day.  

  3. Why not ask at burger king if your bf can get a job?

    Or take over your job.

  4. Peppermint oil - just smelling it helps keep me awake.  Sometimes I rub a drop on my temples (but keep it away from the eyes - it stings!).  Health food stores usually sell it.

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