
Moms: Do you sometimes wonder how you'll go on (from pure exhaustion)?

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Kind of a tongue in cheek question. I have four boys, one in college, one in high school, and two preschool twins. I stay at home and my husband is a never home truck driver. Some days I just want to bawl, or at least sleep. Also makes you wonder why in the world am I on this crazy computer, when I could be in bed ; )




  1. I feel like this often....I even find myself doing the head bobs.  

  2. Your on the computer because you finally have some free time, and this is your time for yourself. I have three girls and one boy all under nine. I should be sleeping too but here I am. Trust me I know how u feel.

  3. stay at home moms rock...

  4. Dont you hate it when some one says "I do that and I go to work too! " Pay no attention, just know - that we know-, its really tough dedicating yourself to your children.  And often(not always...) the ones that are working as well, are only doing it because it releases the pressure of full time parenting. Good on you, stick with it the rewards will be worth it in the end.  

  5. Oh I hear you.  I am single and almost 37 weeks pregnant.  The baby isn't even here yet and I'm so exhausted!  The aches and pains are so bad it hurts to walk.  Yet I still work full time.....I have no choice though.  

    Single working moms with multiple small children.....I just don't see how they do it, but they have all my respect.  

  6. I wonder that all the time!  I have a 12 year old son, and 11 year old daughter...I work full time as well.  I seem to get about 5 hours of sleep each night and wonder how I manage to think straight to put in an 8-10 day at work.  I think that we as women were just made like the energizer bunny...we just keep going and going.

  7. My husband has already done 1 tour in Iraq and working on going on another for a year. I know how you feel and looking back on last year when he was gone, not sure how I handled the kids on my own. Ya just kinda do it!

  8. Sleep???  I miss sleep.  Oh, remember reading books?  Ones without rhyming words or pictures??  Those were the days.  Today, my toddler had an accident on the couch, so I got to clean that mess up.  Then my dogs trampled the flower bed, and my oldest asked me to buy her a bra for the first time.  Meanwhile, my hubby recently had surgery and can't tie his own shoes yet and my middle child insists I watch her sing songs from Camp Rock.  If I divert my eyes for even a second, she has to start the darn song over again.  I am to the point where I feel like even crawling to bed is too big of a task.  I might just crash here on the couch only to wake up to a kid with a bad dream or a dog that needs to potty.  Oh...and aunt flo decided to come 2 days early.  GOOD TIMES!!!

  9. LOL!!  I remember my sister used to wish she had to go to the hospital, if only so she could get some rest.  Then, one day, she really had to go.  She soon found out that she got LESS sleep there because of all the nurse's calls on the intercom (no volume controls) and her roommate snoring!

    Finally she hit upon a great idea!  

    See if for just one night, your high-schooler can sit with your twins until morning.  Have him take the boys out, even if it's for "around the block" while mommy "goes out".  But you don't go out, really.  Grab everything you'll want for an evening holed up in your room, with the door locked.  Make sure the little ones think mommy's not home.  Throw in some earplugs, grab a book, and get yourself a good night of rest!  If the kids see you come out of your room in the morning, act surprised that they never saw you "come home"!!!

    The only problem my sister had with this was that she would wish the one night a month was one night a week!!!

    Good luck to you!!!

  10. Definately. In the last year I have averaged about 5 hours sleep a night. I have broken down crying numerous times and I question why I spend time on the computer or reading a book instead of falling asleep. At this point even if i attempt to go to bed early i cant sleep. My kids are 6, 9 and 11 but i care for my disabled husband as well. Its not easy but I have a good support system and a LOT of help.  

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