
Moms? Fathers? s*x Offenders?

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Grandparents, etc.

How many of you check regularly with the registry in your area for s*x offenders?

What do you do if there is one near your family?




  1. You should ALWAYS be mindful of safety - for your children and yourself, whether you have a registered offender in the area or not.  Like what, they don't have transportation so they only assault people in their own neighborhood?

    Regularly checking the registry isn't going to help if you aren't always practicing safe behavior anyway.  What are you going to do, move?  Harassing the s*x offender isn't going to help either. At best, he/she will just move and be a threat somewhere else. Yea, nice for you, but what about the new community?  And do you want your local s*x offender to be harassed into feeling they have nothing to lose, since no matter where they go, people are going to hound them?

    Why aren't you so worried or concerned about other criminals living near you once they're released from prison? Yes, our children are precious and we want them protected from perverts.  But wouldn't you be alarmed to know if your new neighbor had a history of robbery, arson, or stalking?  

    Everyone needs to be more careful these days.  I will teach my children how to be safe at home, school or in public. I will not teach them to be a vigilante.  Hope you do the same.

  2. Here in the UK we don't have a Megan's law

    a funny incident took place at the local supermarket a man approached my sister and her daughter and spoke to them he spoke to my niece she replied" I am NOT speaking to you your a stranger" where upon  he laughed  he was the local policeman and she is only 2years old

    pretty cute isn't she

  3. children in my family know not to talk to strangers, thats enough.

  4. More often than not, the offender is a family member or friend.  Please, don't parent paranoid.  Listen to your kids and teach them rather than scare them

  5. People should be checking on their judicial system and those who refuse to prosecute them! There are too many of them on the loose or set free because of some minute ruling, like the one two weeks ago that claimed he did not speak any English BUT finished high school and College in American schools and college!

  6. My wife checks it now and then.  We just moved though back on campus to our Christian college so we feel much better about our kids' surroundings.  Its really a different atmosphere.

    The whole notion of s*x offenders makes me happy that we have the 2nd amendment right to bear arms.

  7. MoM, I don't have a child.  Mommy help!!!  I don't have to worry about a women who is not just living with their child and enjoying life like normal people on Yahoo do.  Come on lady, the registry!!!  Look what you allow entertain you, you know I would.

  8. i was never married so i do not have kids ,but for anyone that does they should teach them never talk to strangers.if they are approach.they should run away.i know most people are not bad,but why take the Chance on being harmed

  9. I am on the sheriff's mailing list if a sexual predator moves within my area. We have one living a mile north of me, I have pictures of him and have distributed tham to all of my neighbors with children, and have shown my kids pictures of him. they all know what he is, and to stay away.

  10. I inform my children what my parents informed me, don't take candy from strangers, don't get into somebodies car etc.  I have read that the risk of assualt in no more today than it was when I was growing up, but with the 24 hr infotainment channels broadcasting every tragedy continuously, it would feel that I shouldn't even let me children be in the back yard this very second for all the predators that have just begun to stalk them.  I am teaching my children as much common sense as can be taught.  People today are way too paranoid, and there's more damage being caused to families and communities since every person you pass you should be suspicious of.  No, I will not look at a s*x offender registry, because as one other person put it, what about all the other violent offenders in the area.  I watch and worry as normal as possible but I refuse to swallow the hysterics, and make my children neurotic because of it.

  11. I plead guilty.I promise I will endeavour to be vigilant now. The problem of near-relatives being s*x-offenders is indeed menacing.And on account of f amily relations attempts are often made to suppress the matter  and silence the victim.Misguided ideas of family honour also works in such suppressions. Each member of family need to be vigilant about it.

  12. I check weekly and do not let my children even walk around the block--crying shame isn't it..

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