
Moms I need your opinions do you think it is possible for a 7 month old to become spoiled ?

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or another word I just can't think of right now.

My daughter just turned 7 months and she is a happy girl very happy she has been waking up at night now with nothing wrong. Trust me nothing is wrong. I could give a list of all the basic things it is not that.

She just wants to be feed not because she is hungry though because she wants to nurse I think. because she used to never do this she always woke up.

I was okay with that It was because her pacifer fell out. Me or my husband would put it back in and she would go right back to sleep.

I am starting to think I need to change something I just dont know what I am hoping to get some advice!

She has slept in her swing since she was 3 weeks old. She likes to be in that position she doesnt like spaces around her. I was okay with that but for how long I think she may be uncomfortable in there I am not sure though. It seems like she wants to flip over on her belly and obviously she cant do that in her swing.

She is breastfed and is put to bed between 8 and 9 and and then is nursed at 5 and sleeps again until 8 it has always been like that besides for the first few months where she was eating at night every 3-5 hours.

I know this is long I hope you beared with me any advice would be helpful. I truly appreciate it!




  1. I think it's time to take her out of the swing. My son was 7 mths when i took him to the doctor and he asked was he still waking up at night to eat and I said yes he told me that he doesn't need it he just doing it because it's routine. So I suggest you put her in a crib and wean her from waking up at night either let her learn to self soothe or rock her back to sleep without feeding her until she gets used to it.

  2. Its time to get her out of that swing, seriously. Start with naps, then move to nights

  3. Okay, my daughter slept through the night from 3months in a swing too. At about 6 months she got really cranky about it and I moved her to her crib and she was suddenly sleeping all night again. You need to not go in when she's crying unless she cries for more than 20 minutes (maybe 30 the first time you start to try this). She needs to sooth herself back to sleep. Good luck!

  4. It is possible that the baby has become used to waking up and wants to feed for the comfort of being held. Also sleeping in her swing is not a good thing and can be dangerous. It might take 2 weeks to get her to change her routine but it is worth it. Start letting her fuss longer before you go to and put her to bed in her crib. Initially she may wake up when you put her down but if you put her down and make her stay she will adapt.

  5. I don't think she's spoiled, but you've definitely got a bad habit going with the swing.  She won't fit in it's really got to stop soon!  

    Start with naps.  If she won't go straight down into her crib, you can try to lay her down in a Boppy pillow in the crib.  I know the tag says it's not for sleep but, it will cradle her like the swing does so, the position may be very soothing.  Plus, she's old enough that it won't do her any harm (especially if you check on her).  When she gets use to crib sleeping, then take the Boppy away.

    I hope that suggestion helps.  Good luck!

  6. The swing is not safe for her to be sleeping in anymore. She's getting too big for it--what are you going to do when she's 2? Put her in the crib and deal with the first week or two of tears and confusion. If she likes the feeling of being enclosed, put her in a sleep positioner that's got hard sides. If she truly wants to roll, she can roll over the hard sides if she's strong enough. You can slowly loosen it every few nights until you can just take it out of the crib.  

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