
Moms and Dads Do other people refer?

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you baby/kid as their Baby.My mother will call my daughter 'Her baby ' when my little girl needs me ( like crying for me , she's 15 months old) Mom will say oh but she's my baby and she wants me. I am like what?

Anyway does this kinda thing happen to you people making it up that it is their kid.




  1. yes

  2. My wife sometimes calls me her baby. I don't think she means that she gave birth to me.

  3. I just got my first granddaughter and I refer to her as my baby.  I know she isn't, but she is my grand-baby!  Don't let it bother you, be happy she loves her grandchild enough to want to call it hers!  Grand mom's want to feel needed and important, that's all!  You get her all the time and your Mom just wants to feel important to her grandchild!

  4. That's weird.  I would keep a close eye on her, because it sounds like your mother may be plotting to kidnap her.

  5. I thought you meant refer, like "reefer", because god knows that would help sometimes in dealing with marriage and parenthood, but no I personally don't refer or "reefer." :D

    Other than that, I have no clue what you are talking about.

  6. yup, my mom calls my son her baby and so does another lady i volunteer with. they dont say anything like but he's my baby and he wants me.... but they do call him their baby

  7. i'm no parent, but i've seen my mother in action with my nieces and nephews.  She spoils them rotten. and when they want anything they call for the person that will never tell them no and thats grandma!!!

  8. there is a new girl at work...we really don't know each other at all and she constantly refers to my daughter as her charlotte...she'll ask "how's my charlotte" and I just want to say "you didn't labor for 12 hours with her or stay up all night feeding her or calm her when she cries...she is so NOT your charlotte."  However I just smile and say "fine" and go on with my day.

  9. Hasnt happened

    its weird

  10. LOL, my son, who's three next month tells me that he's grandma's baby, daddy's boy, and my monster.

    My daughter tells me that she's my baby, grandma's girl, and daddy's P.I.T.--she's 8.

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